How to Stop Post Workout - TopicsExpress


How to Stop Post Workout Overeating _________________________________ It happens to the best of us. We finish a killer workout and all we want to do is eat. Refueling your body after intense physical exercise is one thing, but overeating is another. Today, I’m offering up some strategies to avoid post workout overeating. It’s a pretty big problem, and it’s totally understandable why it happens, but it can really put a damper on your fitness progress over time. So why does it happen? The reason is pretty simple. Physical activity of any kind raises your metabolism and speeds up the digestion process. The more intense the activity, the bigger the boost, which is why cardiovascular exercise often leaves you with the biggest cravings. There are some other processes at play as well. Your body also uses up vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes in order to sustain long periods of energy output. So when depleted, those systems can also signal your brain to top up on energy sources, which is why we sometimes crave sugar after a workout. Nevertheless, by slowing down and making some smart choices, you can still refuel without totally overdoing it. 5 Strategies to Avoid Post Workout Overeating ie: Stay Hydrated: Hydration plays a bigger role in hunger and cravings than you might think. In fact, when you’re dehydrated, you actually experience hunger-like sensations that are often confused for the food variety. So stay hydrated throughout your workout, and you’ll at least reduce the intensity of those cravings after your workout. Stay Fuelled: Besides staying hydrated in general, you might also consider using an intra-workout supplement to sustain your energy throughout your workout. These kinds of supplements will prevent many of your body’s resources from becoming depleted, and at least, provide some alternative energy sources. One of the best energy-boosting supplements available is Muscle Pharm Assault. This supplement will help sustain the most intense workouts, and prevent those extreme feelings of hunger post-workout! Incorporate Interval Training: Studies have shown that short but intense bursts of vigorous exercise can actually curb your appetite by increasing your body temperature and diverting oxygen away from your stomach. I’m already a big fan of interval training, so this is just another reason to incorporate it into your workout. So next time you hit the treadmill, try an interval routine and alternate between intense bursts (1-2 minutes) of exercise and low intensity rest periods. Pack a Protein Bar: This is a trick I’ve us. We finish a killer workout and all we want to do is eat. Refueling your body after intense over the years, and it seems to work pretty well. I always keep a protein bar in my gym bag. On those days when I find myself starving after a long workout, this is the first thing I grab, before I even leave the gym. During the trip home, my body has time recuperate, and the serious cravings have subsided. Sometimes just slowing down your eating is the best approach to avoiding overeating! Looking for a really satisfying protein bar? These Vega Sport Chocolate Coconut Protein Bars are the favorite at the moment. Super satisfying, made from whole food ingredients, and with a decent dose of protein. Have a Post Workout Shake: Much like the protein bar, a post workout protein shake will totally fill you up and prevent further cravings. Protein is always a great option for curbing those pesky cravings. It takes longer to digest, so it makes you feel full for longer.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 05:52:44 +0000

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