How to Supernaturally Win Our Loved Ones to the Lord How to - TopicsExpress


How to Supernaturally Win Our Loved Ones to the Lord How to Supernaturally Win Our Loved Ones to the Lord 1. Take authority over every demonic force that influences them 2. Demand forgiveness for their sins 3. Open the eyes of their understanding so they will see their forgiveness thru Christ Jesus 4. Send the laborers into the harvest. Command people who are influential in their lives to show them Christ and to bring them to salvation. Prayer: Lord, I bring ________&__________ before you and I ask for your mercy and grace to be upon them today. In the name of Jesus, I demand that every demonic force that is influencing them to leave. I ask ministering angels to minister to them and guardian angels to guard them from the demons that would try to come back to harass them or influence them negatively. In John 20:23, You say that we may forgive their sins. Lord, I forgive all their sins right now and according to 1 John 5:16, I ask that you give them life. In 2 Peter 1:1-4, Your Word says that You have already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. I proclaim that this blessing shall fall on them this day so they may experience Your love and compassion. I call on the eyes of their understanding to be open to the truth of God, the truth of the Bible and the truth of Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior so they are able to see the error of their ways and the salvation Jesus bought upon the cross. I take authority over every spirit of doubt, hopelessness, helplessness, intellectualism, worthlessness, suicide, compromise, self-righteousness, and legalism. Because the sin that hinders is now gone, I proclaim that Satan can no longer hide the truth from them and that Holy Spirit and the ministering Angels have freedom to minister the Truth to them. Lord, I ask that you appoint people in their lives that will minister Truth to them. Bring to them those people whom they trust and are influential to show them Jesus as the Christ. I command those people from the North, South, East and West to come forth and be ministers of salvation. I speak directly to their spirits and I say, “Do not refuse Jesus any longer. Know this day that you need Jesus, for He is the answer to all your problems and concerns. He is the answer you are looking for. He is what you need.” Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:39:13 +0000

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