How to Worship God Part – 5 Hebrews 11: 1 -- Now faith is the - TopicsExpress


How to Worship God Part – 5 Hebrews 11: 1 -- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Our thoughts, words, actions are all seeds – they are either seeds of FAITH or seeds of FEAR. Every day of our life we are busy planting seeds. If I plant a seed of FAITH by opening my mouth and speaking God’s Promise, I am programming that seed to produce an action that will correspond to that Word of God. I will reap the harvest of FAITH. If I do not know God’s Word, when I am under any negative pressure, I open my mouth and speak all my fears. I am now planting seeds of FEAR. I have programmed these seeds to mature and bring forth a harvest of fear, depression, anguish, hopelessness, and maybe even suicidal tendencies. When I was going through depression, my mind was filled with fear and negative thoughts. There were times in my life when this negativity would cause me to fly off in a rage. My little children were so afraid of my temper outbursts; they would shy away from any contact with me. This hurt me a lot but I didn’t know what to do. If I ever went close to them, they would scream and call for their mother. I was advised by a man of God to lay my hands on them when they were sleeping and pray the following pray “the Spirit of Jesus is upon them, and God Himself has anointed them, and God has set them free from every spirit of fear. God has not given them the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind”. Then my wife and I would thank God for having accomplished what His Word has said. We prayed in this manner every night after the children were asleep but we did not see any change the first day, nor the second day. Yet we persisted in speaking God’s Word with FAITH, knowing that God’s Word always performs. Isaiah 55 : 11 -- So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. On the fifteenth day, my son was standing near the window and he beckoned me to come and see the happenings outside on the street. At that time, the Lord gently nudged me in his direction, reminding me that all the fear in him was erased. Now he could only see in me a very loving Dad with whom he wanted to share precious moments of life. How did this happen you will ask? For the fifteen days that my wife and I were laying hands on our sleeping children and praying, we were planting the seed of FAITH. This seed was programmed to destroy all fear in them and fill them with the love and peace of God. This fear was rooted in their sub-conscious, conscious and unconscious mind. Rooting out this kind of fear is a tedious job requiring many sessions with the psychiatrist. But Praise be to God, the seed of FAITH planted, has the power to uproot all fear and change the life of that person. In your life, if sickness is tormenting you, or there is chaos in your marriage or family, or the waywardness of your spouse or child is troubling you, remember these situations have ears and can hear! Let every such situation hear you speak the Word of God and it has to back – off in the name of Jesus. It has to dry up from the roots. Speak to your situation, it can hear! Tell it ‘enough is enough; dry up from the roots’. God bless u my Frnds!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:27:44 +0000

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