How to act and support to restore Glass-Steagall: TAKE ACTION 1) - TopicsExpress


How to act and support to restore Glass-Steagall: TAKE ACTION 1) CALL your Representative and Senators in Congress: 202-224-3121, and demand they support the restoration of Glass-Steagall (HR 129, S.985, S.1282), and meet with the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee in D. C. 2) WRITE your members of Congress with the same message. Send a copy of the letter to infolarouchepac@gmail — we will guarantee direct delivery of the letter to Congress, often to the Member of Congress personally. If you EMAIL your letter, send it directly to the Legislative Director or Chief of Staff. Call the Congressional office to get the email addresses for these people, or contact us and we will find it for you. Make sure to include your name, your address with zip code, and phone number, so that the Congress¬man can get back to you. Letters should include the reasons why you believe the restoration of Glass-Steagall is urgent, and should ask explicitly: “Will you co-sponsor the legislation to restore Glass-Steagall, yes or no?” In the House of Representatives, the bill is HR 129. In the Senate, there are two Glass-Steagall bills: S.985 and S.1282. 3) SEND a letter-to-the-editor of your local newspaper with the same message, announcing that citizen delegations are converging on Washington D. C. this week to deliver an outpouring of demands for immediate Congressional action. 4) DRAFT a simple petition with the demands noted in item #1 above. Circulate it among friends and associates, at local events, or take it to the streets. Contact our National Office (1-800-929-7566) to arrange for us to deliver the petitions directly to Congress. This strategy has worked to great effect in various areas of the country already. 5) CALL-IN to local and national radio shows, and spread the word through social media about restoring Glass-Steagall. 6) DOWNLOAD & PRINT the latest leaflet from the LaRouchePAC website, which is available under the tab titled “ORGANIZE”. Look for local meetings and activities for opportunities to distribute them and make contacts. 7) MEET with your mayor, city council, county commissioners, other state and local officials, to urge them to join the mobilization and send letters of their own, to both their state legislators (Glass-Steagall resolutions have been introduced in twenty-five states so far) and to their members of Congress. Do the same for farm and labor groups, community bankers, clergy, political groups of all kinds, and all other community groups in your area. CALL into our national headquarters to report your activity and get updates on the progress of the nation-wide mobilization: 1-800-929-7566. Encourage others to call into our headquarters and join the mobilization as well.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:52:02 +0000

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