How to avoid misery? The Master answers: Has misery a shape? - TopicsExpress


How to avoid misery? The Master answers: Has misery a shape? Misery is only an unwanted thought. The mind is not strong enough to resist it. It can be strengthened by worship of God. Talk 241 What is happiness? Is it inherent in the Self or in the object, or in the contact between the subject and the object? Bhagavan: When there is contact with a desirable object or memory thereof, and when there is freedom from undesirable contacts, or memory thereof, we say there is happiness. Such happiness is relative and is better called pleasure. But we want absolute and permanent happiness. This does not reside in objects but in the Absolute. It is peace free from pain and pleasure — it is a neutral state. Talk 28 There is a state beyond our efforts and effortlessness.Until it is realised, effort is necessary. (This is the state of samadhi, which is blissful). After tasting such bliss even once, one will repeatedly try to regain it. Having once experienced the bliss of peace, no one would like to be out of it, or engage himself otherwise. It is as difficult for the Jnani [?] to engage in thought as it is for an ajnani to be free from thought. Any kind of activity does not affect a jnani; his mind remains ever in eternal peace. Talk 141 The universe exists on account of the `I-thought. If that ends there is an end of misery also. The person who is in sleep is also now awake. There is happiness in sleep but misery in wakefulness. In sleep there was no `I-thought, but it is now while awake. The state of happiness in sleep is effortless. We should therefore aim to bring about that state even now. That requires effort. Talk 222 Soul, mind, ego are mere words. These are not real entities. Consciousness is the only truth. Its nature is Bliss. Bliss alone is — enjoyer and enjoyment both merge in it. Pleasure consists in turning and keeping the mind within; pain in sending it outward. There is only pleasure. Absence of pleasure is called pain. Ones nature is pleasure-bliss. Talk 244 The desire for happiness is a proof of the ever-existent happiness of the Self. Otherwise how can desire for it arise? If headache were natural to human beings, no one would try to get rid of it. One desires only that which is natural to him. Happiness, being natural, it is not acquired. Primal bliss is obscured by the not-Self, which is non-bliss, or misery. Loss of unhappiness amounts to gaining of happiness. When misery is eliminated the bliss which is ever-present is said to be gained. Happiness mixed with misery is only misery. Talk 619 Why should there be suffering now? Bhagavan: If there were no suffering, how could the desire to be happy arise? If that desire did not arise, how would the quest of the Self be successful? What is happiness? Is it a healthy and handsome body, or timely meals and the like? Even an Emperor has endless troubles, though he may be healthy. All suffering is due to the false notion `I-am-the-body. Getting rid of it is jnanam. Talk 633
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:41:49 +0000

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