How to be happy at work! 1. Wake up at least an hour before you - TopicsExpress


How to be happy at work! 1. Wake up at least an hour before you need to leave for work. Enjoy some "me" time before the rush begins. 2. Plan your day ahead of time. Check your diary and to do list for the day so there are no nasty surprises waiting for you when you get to work. 3. Have a very hot shower and use a fresh shower gel. The smell of freshness will energize you. 4. Dress for success. When you leave the house looking good, and ready for work; you are well on your way to having a good day. 5. Make sure that you arrive at work at least ten minutes early. A rushed and bad start will minimize your chances of having a good day and feeling happy at work. 6. Greet all your colleagues. Greet everyone when you meet them at the start of the day 7. Smile at everyone you greet - 98% of your smiles will be returned. 9. Avoid negative people at all costs. Colleagues who moan and whine about personal or work issues, will drag you down and prevent the workplace from being a happy one. 10. Keep your workspace tidy. Organize your activities into clear categories and deadlines, such as "To Do : today"; "Due by: next week", and so on. By breaking your tasks into manageable chunks, you will feel less stressed and happier at work. 11. Do not breach company policy. Do not "steal" company time or assets however insignificant they may seem - taking a work pen home is still theft. Guilt or fear of being caught prevents happiness at work. 12. Take pride in the finished product. This refers to tasks big or small. Professionally presented documents will bring praise and recognition from colleagues and even management. Everybody loves praise and the happiness and sense of pride in a job well done that it brings. 13. Watch your body language. When you are talking to colleagues or clients and you have your arms folded across your chest, not only will you be sending the wrong signals but you will unconsciously be blocking your ability to communicate openly. Open communication reminds us of our common humanity and brings happiness as a result. 14. Make the most of every work day. Even if you are looking for another position and just biding your time, remember that your boss will have to write a testimonial or reference letter for you. If you are a happy, committed and quality -driven employee, chances are, the reference will be a positive one and may just land you that job you seek. Warnings • If you have been a negative, whining and unprofessional employee up to now, it may take people a little while to get used to the new and happier you. Persevere, and remember that your happiness at work, at home, or wherever you are is up to you. Happiness is an attitude and a conscious decision. Make the right choice!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:39:18 +0000

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