How to be the Woman Every Man Not Only Desires, but Every Man - TopicsExpress


How to be the Woman Every Man Not Only Desires, but Every Man Needs (Part 1) - Apostle Clavon Leonard. The first thing to address as a woman is to know that God said “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a help mate for him”. (Gen 2:18). God wants you to understand your making, developing, and growth were created by God filling a void in the man, and you being a woman is not by man’s design or yours. It is not birthed out of man’s desire, but his need. God must recognize a need in a man in order for him to create you to help him. The first step in being what he not only desires, but needs begins with you knowing that you were created to be his companion. Let’s be clear: not mother, not sister, not whore, but companion. Most men often look for someone they can be intimate with, not anyone to spend a lifetime with. Companion is defined as a mate or match for something; a handbook or guide; a person employed to accompany or assist or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend. Women, you must ask yourself are you a mate or match? Sometimes we are trying so hard to be different or unique that we become incompatible for him. What you like is not a match for your needs. If you’re going to be the woman he not just desires to spend the night with, but his life time, you must be able to accompany him at any task, assist with anything, and live with him in the capacity of a helpful friend. Remember, you did not bring yourself, God presented you. Women, don’t chase him, but allow him to discover you. Next, are you a help mate? God designed you to help him be who he is to be spiritually, naturally, and emotionally. Help is defined as to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to render assistance; cooperate effectively with; to save or rescue; to make easier or less difficult to be profitable. In being the woman he not only desires, but needs, you must be able to give or provide what is necessary to satisfy his need to please God. The purpose of Eve, Adam’s wife, was he needed someone to contribute strength when he got weak in pursing purpose; he needed someone who was willing to render assistance in aligning himself with purpose and destiny. He needed someone to cooperate effectively, not with an attitude, angry, mean, bitterly, unconcerned or lazily or sloppily to the purpose of God. The key element is that no one, not even Adam, recognized that he needed or wanted help, but God knowing what he needed before he asked, created what he needed to bring his life into balance. The a third point is that Eve was birthed from Adam’s side the same way we are birthed into the kingdom by blood and water from the side of Christ. How men carry things is in their spirit; a woman carries things in her heart. It is important to understand he can carry the vision without an emotional attachment. The reflection is a fixing of the thoughts on something, careful consideration or mediation. In being the woman he not only desires, but needs is a woman who can fix his thoughts on him because she is secure and balanced, thoughtful, and considerate. The woman is a reflection of everything he forgot about that was important like love, patience, joy, peace, goodness, temperance, etc. He is in need of someone who can remind him of what is important outside of him. The woman who can be what he not just desires, but needs is a constant reflection of unselfish love and commitment to God and kingdom. The fourth point is that she must be a producer. The woman who can be not what he desires, but what he needs can be represented through their relationship between God and the church. She must be able to represent him in the spiritual, academic, career, and social environments. The woman is able to duplicate God’s love back to him. She must be able to receive and give love from him. The woman must be able to reproduce an environment that makes loving her natural and easy. She must be able to foster an atmosphere that makes it natural for him to do what he has never done before by support encouragement, correction, and prayer. Remember, Adam had to produce something he had never seen or heard of before by his kind. The woman has the power to foster an atmosphere to cause him to believe he can give to her what he has never seen. The woman who can foster a desire for him to achieve what he has never done gives what he has never knew he even possessed. The fifth point deals with the expression of what’s on the inside of him. Remember women, you were created from bone that had two distinct characteristics, one being arch-like in design: you are flexible and are easily adaptive into the environment in which you were created. You can adapt to where he is and make it better. Your structure is distinct like nothing he has ever seen before because of your adaptability not being rigid and stiff. The second trait is that you were created with strength and designed to operate in a pair. The connection to you does not weaken him, but causes him to be stronger. He has his pair. He sees your unique structure of how you do things; he admires your strength and loves the way you know how to connect to God, to him, to his family, his dreams, his goals, and finally, his life. The last step in the series of what he not only desires, but needs is your understanding that you were created for his enjoyment. You must not create an environment that it’s all about you, your needs, or what you want. Your creation was based not on desire, but need. God saw that he the man needed someone like you so he would feel fulfilled in his God given role. He already had a job, a home, and a God. Don’t allow him to make you the object of his desire, but view you as a need he can’t live without. Your creation is designed to guard, not wound his heart. You are the one, outside of God, that can make him laugh at life, himself, and sometimes you. Be the woman that generates the creative force in his life that allows him to see the joys out of life and makes him feel fulfilled not by career, credit score, degree, house, car, or achievement, but by his desire and accomplishments of doing God’s will. Hang tight ladies, there are three more parts to come.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:26:04 +0000

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