How to build a life kitten in the house? It so happens that in - TopicsExpress


How to build a life kitten in the house? It so happens that in our apartments pets appear for the first time. Everything is wonderful: a new joy in life, a new piece of your happiness will now live near you. But, apart from the joy we gain and some responsibility for the pet. Caring for cats require a certain percentage of your attention. Pay particular attention should go to the care of a small kitten. If you really can not compare it to a small child, then at least initially think about how you will keep your pet worth it. Modern conditions of widespread computerization and flexibility to draw from the depths of the internet all sorts of useful information. How to choose a kitten, which breed is right for you, what advantages or disadvantages of the contrary will be endowed with a pet of a particular breed, how to care for a kitten, what to feed? And this is just a short list of the issues that arise before the time, as the threshold of your home will cross a small lump on four legs. If our childhood took place in a private home, it is often the presence of a cat in it is commonplace. People living in apartments are not always ready to start a pet one reason or another. Reading the beginning of this article, some may say that the author, as it complicates everything. After all, what could be easier than to have a house cat? From this we can agree, but with a single caveat: looking for something We let the house pet. Someone just used that the house should be a cat, someone needs a little furry friend for a child, well, or for a good, and someone thinks about the possibility of participation in exhibitions with a cat and breeding purebred offspring. What You Need - Once you decide! Forgot to point out another option: walking down the street and saw a lone kitten with a pathetic sad eyes and decided to take him to his house. This is a very good decision. Personally, I can not be indifferent to such cases, but since I already have a pet in the house, pick up a homeless kitten did not have the opportunity. So, the decision was made. The breed is selected, the appropriate kitten was found on the street, the neighbors, with friends, on the Internet or from professional breeders. The question of choosing a particular breed or kitten is a topic volume and it will be described in another article. Now I want to talk about the case, where there is a kitten in the house for the first time. Health kitten. If the kitten was purchased from breeders in the nursery, it is likely that it has received all the necessary vaccinations, and his health has bothered. Record will be made in the veterinary passport kitten. And if not? Then it is necessary to clarify in a veterinary clinic on the age at which kittens make the necessary vaccinations, and if the kitten has turned enough months, then head to a veterinary clinic and do vaccinations. When we bought the Don Sphinx Krysika, our beloved pet, all necessary vaccinations he has already been made. What to buy for a kitten? What you need to buy for a kitten to ensure its life in the house? Cat toilet filler for the toilet bowls for food and water, respectively, the food - probably the most important thing, and buy these things cost in advance. Do not forget to get a few toys for the baby. Well, if you did not buy a toy, it is possible to do with what is in the house: wooden cork of a champagne, a tennis ball or a ball of paper on a string. Everything you need can be bought at a pet store, recommendations, how to choose a pet shop, are given in the article Camping in the pet store. Also you can find on the Internet a list of addresses in Yekaterinburg or pet stores in the city in which you live. The first kitten in the house. Child and kitten here it is happiness - in your home came the first tentative meow. Most likely it will be just shy, because your living space for a kitten is not yet familiar to someone elses place. He can hide in a little corner under the sofa or chair and with fear in his eyes to look around the circle. Its okay. This is normal. Curiosity takes over the fear of the top and after a while fluffy ball puts out her nose and gently begin to explore the territory. Talk to him, try to distract him with a game, during which he will make sure to be afraid of nothing and nobody home. Point it to the bowl with the food, let regale. I am sure that after the feast, he lifted up the tail will run up to you to thank. Well, if a family has young children, then for acclimatization kitten do not worry. In less than a couple of hours, as kids sdruzhatsya and will play together. Introduce your pet to the place of his toilet. But, if the kitten did not want to use the toilet and went to another place, then do not worry and do not be angry at him, hes still just a baby. It is worth noting that most kittens are already accustomed to the toilet. They only need to specify the location of the toilet. If the kitten yourself go to the bathroom where you want, then praise him, pat and tell him what he had done and good. Kitten remember your attention and realize that I was right. Where to sleep kitten? Kitten sleeping in a chair. Where to sleep better kittens? Most often little kittens restlessly spend the first night. Especially if they are left alone in a separate room. If you decide that the kitten will be determined by just such a special place in a private room, you have to try the first few days to get him used to it. Most likely the first night he will come running to your bed and will ask to you. Baby can take to your bed, if that is acceptable. Let remain with you a little bit, and when he falls asleep, then move it for example in a chair, which stands next to your bed. Most likely after a while he will come running back to you. But if a few days in a row you will lay it separately, then after some time he will realize that it is the appropriate place for him and he needs to sleep there. There is an opinion that cats are able to identify the negative space in the house in terms of energy. If the kitten is not in any wish to remain sleeping in ugotovlennoy place for him, it is worth pondering over its location. Most kittens themselves choose a place to sleep. If you notice that the baby itself is laid to sleep in a certain place, then Organize this place as much as possible the better. Put there a soft cloth. Be prepared for the fact that early in the morning when you are asleep, the kitten will climb into your bed and arrange jumps over the blanket. Here it is either going to have to wake up and pay attention fluffy lumps or continue sleeping, not paying attention to him. Likely that you will not succeed. Bite my toes peeping from under the blanket for a kitten pleasure itself. Since you woke up, you play with your pet, and youll hear it quite murchanie. Most likely after a few minutes of the game, he peacefully pomurlykat, curdle into a ball and fall asleep next to you. Most kittens wake up early in the morning of their masters, in order that they would have imposed a bowl of food. After breakfast, the kitten will return to its bed and after a few minutes of washing, lay down to sleep. But, not a fact. Make sure the litter box that has always been available for a kitten. Forget about it, and close the door - be prepared for the fact that the kitten oblyubuet another place to celebrate their affairs. There could blame him not for that. Themselves to blame. What to feed a kitten - it is also a separate article. If you decide to feed him a natural diet, you should read this additional information in the same net. For example, before we have a sphynx, I had no idea that the kittens, and cats in general, do not feed pork, boiled potatoes. Our Krysiku we never give pork. For him, we buy low-fat beef. If a kitten is supposed to feed prepared feeds, choose food for kittens. Sellers in pet stores are always prompt you kind of food that is right for your kitten. Well, of course you should pay attention to your financial capabilities. Dry food should be combined with wet. And always make sure that the kitten has access to fresh water. We do not advise to pamper kitten plenty of milk. Organism cats is designed so that their milk is poorly absorbed. The remaining milk products can be safely included in the diet pet. When we had made in the house of Don Sphinx, he was very curious. And what problems we encountered. The kitchen stands electric stove with touch-sensitive buttons on the top panel. Include a plate cat could not, however, the surface of the plate cools slowly, and we were afraid that he might one day drop in on her and burn their feet. So we tried it a little to find fault, when he was selected to the plate or dropped into the table beside her. All went well and our cat Don Sphynx was hurt never. However, if you have such a stove and there is a protective cover for it, then try to close it when not using the stove. Kittens, because they are like little children - everywhere shoved his curious nose. Kitten - part of the family. Try to teach a kitten to the fact that when you eat at the table, then he should not climb on it or on your lap. Let him know that the table is the place where you eat food, and he should eat in a designated place for him. Do not feed the kitten with a hand at the table, otherwise it will become a habit you have to beg for food. If you decide to give him goodies from your table, then put them in his bowl. Carefully watch your clear bowls for food and water. This is the same as it is your duty to wash your dishes, from which you eat. Well, here is how all. Each family and individual to choose the way she would take care of a pet - an independent choice of each. The most important thing is to understand the kitten that he is loved and he is as a full-fledged member of the family in this house. Pay more attention to the kitten, watch his health, feed healthy nutritious food and he will answer you the same love. What could be better than murchanie contented kitten, screwing up his eyes in pleasure and pick up on your lap. Cats are amazing animals with a variety of characters. Share your stories in the comments about how your home appear wonderful fluffy pet. It will be very interesting.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:45:48 +0000

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