How to build effective teams Add comments Author : Okogbua - TopicsExpress


How to build effective teams Add comments Author : Okogbua Okechukwu. Successful team-building creates strong, effective teams focused on a shared vision and on achieving common goals. Here are six tips for developing high-performance teams in your workplace.  Understand what a team is. AHAMOKES FIRST GLOBAL CONCEPT defines a team as: ‘A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project.’ In a broader sense, belonging to a team enables individuals to feel part of something larger than themselves and has a lot to do with a shared understanding of the mission or objectives of the organisation as well as a conception of how each individual contributes to overall success. Actions are driven by the bigger picture; individual functions exist to serve the bigger picture. Clarify the purpose. Top teams are guided by shared values and principles. In an effective team, members unite behind an inspiring vision and are motivated to bring that vision to reality; they share clear, measurable goals, and are committed to playing their part in the overall success of the group. Provide an inspiring vision to guide the direction of the team when facing challenges and decisions; make sure that everyone understands the desired overall outcome and the way in which individual roles contribute to that outcome. Take a light-hearted look at effective teamwork here:  Identify goals. Once the team is established and united behind a shared, compelling purpose, break the vision down into smaller, manageable goals and tasks. Remember that effective teams do need a clear leader; someone has to be in charge, to be a role model, and to guide the team to peak performance. Encourage each team member to give his or her input into how the objectives can best be achieved. When everyone contributes to the creation of the action plan, it instils a higher level of commitment from each member, and a solid action plan with assigned tasks for each team member will motivate progress. Agree on expectations. Establish a clear standard of conduct for the team, with agreement that communication will be frequent, open, honest, and transparent and that contributions will be encouraged, valued, and recognised. How will conflict be handled? Will team decisions be respected? Is there a process for giving feedback? Be sure to consider also any resources required in terms of time, materials, working space, support, and financing. Monitor progress. To allow adjustments and improvements to be incorporated into team processes along the way, regularly review the group’s performance through team meetings and one-on-one feedback sessions. Evaluate progress towards goals, and consider what’s working well and where improvements could be made. Learn more about effective team work and collaboration here:  Celebrate and reward. To build morale and boost motivation, make a point of regularly recognising, rewarding, and celebrating individual and team successes and milestones. Remember that building strong teams is an ongoing process and you may have to revisit each stage of the process at different times as circumstances and needs change. An inspired, motivated, and effective team will result not only in peak performance, but will also allow each team member to experience the rewards and satisfactions that come from working together with others towards the achievement of important goals and objectives.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 20:45:54 +0000

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