“How to convert a domineering mate into a cooperative mate - TopicsExpress


“How to convert a domineering mate into a cooperative mate instantly, with your psychic powered behavior: Iris, your wife, is the ideal mate for you. To the whole world, you two look extraordinarily happy with each other. “A perfect marriage!” people regularly exclaim about you two. “Couldn’t be a better match!” You agree with them, too, except that you have allowed yourself gradually to become Iris’ prisoner. She is the happiest woman in the world so long as you- do exactly as she wants you to, even when you don’t want to. People think you obey her wishes readily because you are so madly in love with her. They don’t realize that you have seldom asserted yourself affirmatively enough to Iris to make her understand that you do have some preferences of your own. Rather than continue with her as you have, until you can stand it no longer, and then explode and imperil your union, it is possible to convert her into a cooperative mate right away, instead of a domineering one. Do it with your psychic powered behavior. She makes, now, still another demand on you which you consider an imposition, or stubbornly opposes another urgent desire of yours, without considering it from your angle. Don’t bristle up and challenge her. That would lead to a scene and, as usually happens, you will end up making even more concessions to her. Seem surprised by her request or by her stubborn opposition instead, as if you did not quite understand her. If she ignores that, ask her to repeat it to you. She will repeat it quickly, albeit self-consciously, for she does realize that she is taking undue advantage of you. Immediately fill yourself with a feeling of shocked disillusion in her. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Iris through her eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether you are just a bit tardy in obeying her, or whether she ought to make a still greater demand on you for not obeying her at once and “punish” you. Iris will be taken aback and left unsure about her continuing dominance over you. To avoid a scene (which she will win if you let her draw you into one and put on her semi-hysterical act), agree unenthusiastically, and mechanically carry out her request. But glance at her occasionally as you do so, as if crushed with disappointment. Iris will increasingly be more careful with you. Project your psychic powered behavior to her, thereafter, every time she tries to domineer you, though, and you will soon discourage her completely from doing so. With your psychic powered behavior you will have converted a domineering mate into a cooperative mate instantly and remolded her character exactly as you want to.” - The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young) Click “Share” if you want others to read this. Learn Secrets Here: MindReality/facebookgift.html
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:00:00 +0000

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