How to determine your water change schedule - I know this is - TopicsExpress


How to determine your water change schedule - I know this is something that often comes up and thought posting a slid explanation might be helpful if some one has never done this before. Water Changes vary with every tank and can change with livestock. The way to determine a schedule and volume is this. Measure your Nitrates. Record in a journal. Determine your maximum desired level. Nitrates start to get dangerous and unhealthy above a 50 ppm threshold, some scaleless fish and shrimp no dot tolerate above a 30ppm level. Set your number and test daily until that number is achieved (for example 50ppm). Now determine what you wish it lowered to (for example 25ppm), perform the math to determine the quantity of water removed to lower your numbers to that i.e.50% (now test your water, it should be 25 ppm). Now begin testing daily until you achieve that target number again (50ppm) and you have now determined your water change schedule (for example it takes 8 days) So your water change schedule is 50% every 8 days to achieve 25-50ppm Nitrates. It could take you 2 days, it could take you 28 days. The numbers and testing tell the story and what we should follow. Many chain stores state numbers that can generally work, but each tank is different and we should understand calculating this number accurately on our own. Numbers never lie, follow them and you will never regret it.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:16:34 +0000

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