How to do meditation? I have personally noticed 2 prerequisites - TopicsExpress


How to do meditation? I have personally noticed 2 prerequisites : Regularly : Like the gym, a day`s working out does not bring any result. So meditation must be done daily to get any effects at all. 20 Minutes : Like jogging, meditation only works if done min 20 mins and max 30 mins. You can do it 2x a day if you wish. There are no restrictions with regards to time, but mostly it works the best in the morning & be4 going to bed. Note down the time when you start eg write on a piece of paper or set an alarm for 20-30 mins. 1. Anchor point (like the start-line in Olympics) where you always come back and start again. Note down in your mind the day and time when you start. And even after the meditation when driving or shopping, just become aware that you did your meditation today. The more often you think about it, the more it will bring a few moments of awareness back to you. 2. No distinction All thought have to be treated the clouds....make no distinction either its a small, big, black or white clouds...the distinction brings mind to wander again as you will start analyzing them. And the nature of the clouds (thoughts) is that they always pass by. So watch and take not action and watch them pass by. And behind those thoughts or clouds is the blue sky or our true nature or the self, which is THE GOAL of all meditations. To see clearly the sky behind all the noises of the thoughts. This brings tremendous amount of relaxations even ecstasy and in some cases even miracles. So a thought of million dollars of worth and 1$ worth must be treated the same. Don`t confuse a thought of a million $ with the actual million $. Therefore you are at liberty of giving the same attention to thoughts regardless of how much they are worth. Simply treat them as : thoughts which will pass by. 3. Mind is a good servant but bad master : Mind is a dictator, we can see that he has a will of his own. He controls our thoughts and automates the processes and we are helpless and cannot stop our thoughts and bow to his will...but a very good servant. Lets say you start doing meditation at the age of 40, all these 40 years, who has been the master that dictated the choice of thoughts? Your mind like all dictators, when overthrown, will rebel & resist. 4. Mantra & Boredom Mind has 2 weaknesses : Repetition & Boredom (silence). Because meditation is the most boring thing in the world, as soon as you will start doing it, mind will start wandering or playing games to convince you not to waste your time in doing nothing. So don`t argue with the mind simply watch his games to obstruct the meditation. When your mind finally says: Meditation is the most boring thing in the world. thats the very moment you ve seen thru mind`s game. Mantra is simply 1-2 words eg OM or Hare Krishna and its repeated millions of times to calm down the Mind. You can also count prayer bead or count your heart beats or breaths, or repeat Mantra, or listen to a sound (make sure its not fast and it has limited repetition because you must count the times its repeated) the bottom line is that it must be something repetitive. And its done by all the millions of Yogis all over the world. Because its indeed the most boring action in the world so no wonder people (our minds) avoid it at any cost. But the power of energy lies in the emptiness, empty of its 70000 thoughts and then whatever comes to mind will be that YOU will decide, because you (self) have taken over the control now. The autopilot is deactivated so now the aeroplane is under the control of the pilot, and now you enjoy the freedom. Is this freedom really worth doing all this? Well ask the millions of Gurus, Yogis, meditators. Its the biggest freedom they ever enjoyed and its priceless. ~~
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:22:24 +0000

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