How to experience a positive life instead of a problem-filled - TopicsExpress


How to experience a positive life instead of a problem-filled one Let’s be honest; at times life can get ugly. Things don’t go according to plan, and nasty little problems pop up and rob us of how life should be. The thing is, it doesnt have to be this way. It all depends on where you put your focus. To help you on the right track, here is 5 tips. #1 Most negative thoughts are based on a misinterpretation of the situation. If you feel negative, look around the situation. Are the facts on which you base your pessimism correct? Are you really judging other people accurately? Are you imagining the worst, with no actual reason for doing so? Try to shift your attitude to a more positive one. #2 Keep a daily thought diary. In it, note down key thoughts, with the circumstances that created them. For example, if you felt irritated at work, think about why and make a note of it. Think about your emotional reaction. It should help you learn which situations provoke a negative or positive reaction. Regularly re-read your diary to trace your thought patterns and gauge whether you are becoming more positive. #3 Alter your mental images. By exploring and developing your mental representations you can feel much better about yourself and life. For example, if youre feeling resentful towards your partner, imagine him as a small child who needs a hug. If you feel threatened by a colleague, imagine her in a silly hat. If the weathers awful, imagine a sunny day. #4 One way to achieve long-term positivity is to ask why you are thinking negatively. Are you frightened of what might happen in life – are you scared of being cut off by friends, losing your job, splitting up with your partner? The answer is to face the fear, imagining what you would do and how you would cope if these things happened. Once youve faced up to your worst fear, it will automatically feel less scary and youll be more able to cope. #5 Using constructive language can turn your negative thoughts around. Be aware of your words. Instead of thinking I cant, tell yourself how you can. Instead of saying, I regret say, next time I will. Instead of this is awful tell yourself what opportunities there are in the situation. Remember that you experience about 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts every single day of your life. And theyre your thoughts –nobody controls how you feel and think unless you let them. This might seem like a very challenging idea if youre used to absorbing the emotions and preferences of other people, but youre always making a choice to think positively or negatively. Have an amazing week! Sponsors For Change
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:44:00 +0000

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