How to feel worthy The word “worth” is often twisted with its - TopicsExpress


How to feel worthy The word “worth” is often twisted with its closely associated accomplice, “wealth” when in fact, the two couldn’t be further apart. But what is worth and what does it mean to you? Do you feel worthy or unworthy and is it something you have inside of you or something you must attain? All of these are great questions and this insightful article finally debunks the quandaries of worth. Do You Know Your Worth? What is worthiness? Do you feel worthy or unworthy? Is worthiness something you attain or innately have within you? I believe that worthiness is something very deep-seeded within oneself. It is a trusting confidence in who you are, what you are and what you believe. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can someone else believe in you? There is a beautiful quote that I used for my high school yearbook by Hillel: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” This quote really sums up that we must take care of ourselves in life. We must believe in who we are without being completely selfish or caring only about our own needs. We must embrace and include others in our universe and in our world. When something good happens in your life or someone pays you a compliment, do you say “thank you” with graciousness or do you refute it (an example of refuting would be: “You look great today”…”Oh no, I look lousy”)? Learn to appreciate yourself, accepting compliments that come your way. This is the start of a process of feeling your own worth. When something good comes your way, be open to the possibilities. Look to grow within yourself that state of acceptance; that I am WORTHY of all the good that is coming into my life. Every single person in this universe is worthy of goodness, prosperity, abundance, compliments and acceptance. So start today. Own your own worth, feel good about you and share your worthiness with the world. You are worthy! Did you know that? Be Well… -silent Journey
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:00:10 +0000

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