How to fight Russia without firing a shot the White House - TopicsExpress


How to fight Russia without firing a shot the White House should be taking immediate steps to stop further aggression by Russia. One is to put missiles in Poland and the Czech Republic. The minute we say we are going to do that, or we say if you cross that border, we are going to put missiles in both of those countries, they are not going to cross that border because those missiles have the effect of nullifying their strategic nuclear force, which is about all they have left as a country, he said. Secondly, the United States should immediately lift legislation that passed that limits natural gas exports to Europe. We have those in place from the era in which natural gas was scarce, we wanted to keep it in the U.S., keep our prices as low as possible, and now we are drowning in natural gas. We are going to become the number-one producer very quickly; we are now tied with Russia for first place. All we need to do is to lift the restriction so that natural gas can be sent to Europe and we break the Russian monopoly. As for the third step, Morris said, We build 27 more liquefied natural gas facilities to liquefy the gas, put it on a boat and ship it. We have 110 now, we would add 27 more. If we do that, Russia would realize the handwriting is on the wall that their economic stranglehold over Europe is about to be broken. Europe is not afraid of Russian missiles or Russian troops. Theyre afraid of Russian gas being turned off, that is about the only power Russia really has , Morris said. Once we neutralize the power their gas exports have over Europe, he said, we weaken Russias economy and cut their revenues. Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax newsmax/NewsmaxTv/Dick-Morris-Obamacare-Russia-gas/2014/03/24/id/561418#ixzz2x0lvcQDO Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:16:18 +0000

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