How to get rid of crawly bugs from ur kitchen. Cockroaches - TopicsExpress


How to get rid of crawly bugs from ur kitchen. Cockroaches (derived from Spanish word ‘la cucuracha’). The thought and sight of creepy crawly bugs in our kitchens sends shivers down my spine. With summer on its way, these bugs seem to become more popular, here’s some simple steps to take to avoid these little buggers in our kitchen. Health I don’t think cockroaches are liked by anyone across the world, and why should they be as these little creepy crawlies are responsible for the spread of allergies, disease, bacteria, and account for a higher number of asthma diagnoses in areas of heavy infestation. Cockroach Domicile Most cockroaches hide well out of sight during the day. Cockroaches are not fond of light, so you won’t find them in plain view. Most commonly cockroaches are found under sink cabinets, behind kitchen cabinets, under major appliances and counter tops and in laundry areas. Getting Rid of Cockroaches 1. Sprinkle a little boric acid where you have seen cockroaches travel in your home. Make sure you sprinkle in dark, damp areas as well. DO NOT use in areas where small children or animals play, sleep or eat as it is also toxic for humans. 2. if you want to make your own insecticide then mix equal parts of baking soda, powdered sugar and place in a shallow dish where the roaches travel around. The combination of sugar and soda is very deadly to cockroaches. 3. Cockroaches do not like the taste of bay leaves, so be sure to use this in areas you have seen cockroaches lurking around, especially in children’s rooms and play area’s. 4. Cockroaches survive on water, so try to avoid leaving water in the sink, in dirty dishes, or in any other areas of the house. Keep an eye out for other areas such as leaky plumbing and under refrigerators make it a habit to wipe all traces of water from sink once you have done the dishes and bath areas, as well. 5. Cockroaches attract to areas littered with cockroach droppings, so make sure you clean properly. Use a detergent or disinfectant to thoroughly clean the area and to avoid future re-infestation. Use bleach and water to disinfect concrete floors and walls as well. Remain Cockroach Free 1. Keep counter tops, tables and other areas of the house clean. 2. Fix leaks in plumbing and maintain a moisture control program in the house. Use a dehumidifier and wipe away water spills immediately. 3. Insulate pipes. 4. Un-clutter, keep under sink areas, surrounding laundry areas clean.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 07:57:12 +0000

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