How to get your body back after giving birth. The biggest - TopicsExpress


How to get your body back after giving birth. The biggest thing to remember when trying to regain your body after giving birth or in general lose weight, in my opinion bottom of the list of your priorities is EXERCISE. Why? Lets look at exercise it is physically demanding stress on your body. It is challenging our body to adapt and grow. In order for the body to adapt eg burn fat the body MUST be in position it can recover and adapt after exercise. So say you are waking 3,4 x a night. recovering still from child birth physically and emotionally. You have a history of dieting and binge eating which has resulted in your thyroid being stressed. You have the stress of looking after a new cherub, a toddler and the everyday stress of life. You have not exercised since curtains and spliffy jeans were in fashion and Haddaway was singing what is love Now think logically do i sound in great position to decide now to start jogging, take up insanity or be beasted by a pt or bootcamp? HELL NO! Likewise, do you sound in a good position to go on a calorie restrictive diet that will sap you of even more energy. HELL NO! So what is the answer? Like most things in life it is a common sense approach. Focus on i need rite now to be able to nourish and energise my body ( not drain it) so i can function and deal with the crazy stress life is throwing at me right now. So each day drink 3 litres of water to hydrate. water,herbal teas, coconut water. Eat to give you energy so you do not crash and turn to sugar which will only make you feel worse. Eat 3 meals a day and each meal must contain animal protein and veg. Get your carbs from non gluten sources to aid digestion so potatoes,rice or even rice pasta are good options. Eat plenty of good fats for energy so nuts,seeds, coconut oil and olive oil. Spend 5 minutes a day 2x a day working in (deep breathing) to switch of relax and lower cortisol levels ( the fat storing stress hormone) Take buba for walk everyday no matter how tired you are ( walk not run) for 20 minutes to get fresh air and escape the house. Then once all clear from GP build small amount of strength training around your life. I have frankettes who i tell to wait til week 10 of my plan before starting my workouts, and then only 2-3 15 minutes a week. Focus on mindset im building energy not taking energy out. If over the first year after child birth you consistently follow the above you will reach child 1st bday happy,healthy,confident and energised. This is the message i try to get over to my frankettes in the online community, we build health and exercise around our lifestyle to allow us to deal with our life.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:20:15 +0000

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