How to hear and speak words from God (Part 1) To speak God’s - TopicsExpress


How to hear and speak words from God (Part 1) To speak God’s word, one must hear God’s word clearly and accurately. Repentance, submission, and consecration were the conditions given for hearing, assuming one possesses the need and desire to hear God’s voice, and assuming one has faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, which results in the presence of the Holy Spirit in the one who believes. If one hears accurately and clearly, then one simply speaks what one has heard, neither adding to it, nor subtracting from it, nor negating it. One should speak only what the Spirit leads, when the Spirit leads, to the one the Spirit leads. This is important because of timing and the spiritual state of the hearer. If one speaks a word from God at the wrong time and wrong place to the wrong person, God is dishonored and the hearer is discouraged instead of encouraged. The goal is encouragement. An oracle must seek to encourage and strengthen the one who listens, even if he or she must bring correction. If one speaks from a motivation of love and truth, the Spirit of love and truth will give words from heaven for edification. How will you know you are speaking words from heaven? The same way that you know that you hear words from heaven. What is the content and character of God’s revealed word? It is helpful in hearing and speaking God’s word to first hear and speak your own. For example, if you want to encourage a brother or sister, think FOR YOURSELF about words you want to use or say. Say these words out loud to yourself. Having heard your own words, ask God if he wants you to speak these words only, or if he wants you to speak more, less, or different words all together. Then wait. If God wants you to speak EXACTLY what you had in mind, you will sense deep in you peace and energy and certainty, “life and peace” as Paul calls it in Romans chapter 8. You will know WITH CERTAINTY that you should speak exactly what you have in mind. You will know when and where and how and to whom. Expect certainty and clarity, for God the Spirit is all-knowing and all-powerful. He knows what should be said and how it should be said. Anything less than certainty and clarity is not of God and not true faith. Dismiss the notion that faith involves A LACK OF CLARITY AND CERTAINTY. To “walk by faith and not by sight” is not the same as walking by uncertainty and obscurity. The difference is the source of certainty and clarity. The one who lives by faith finds his or her clarity and certainty IN GOD’S WRITTEN AND SPOKEN WORD, AND NOT IN THE FIVE SENSES ALONE. Even the five senses are not negated entirely, for Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread ALONE, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (emphasis mine) Jesus did not say man shall not live by bread AT ALL. So, if there is clarity and certainty that all you desire to speak for encouragement is from God, then speak it. If you feel clarity and certainty about some of what you have in mind, but not all that you have in mind, then keep what you have certainty about and seek God about the obscurity. In doing this, the Spirit will take away unnecessary or discouraging words, and replace them with better words, or simply leave the remainder of your words to be said. If you have NO CLARITY, PEACE, OR CERTAINTY, then don’t speak AT ALL. It is better to pray for the brother or sister’s encouragement, leaving this to God, than to try to encourage with a word from God THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. This takes humility. It takes realizing that we cannot help every one all of the time. Sometimes we must leave people to God OR TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP THEM. Someone else may have a specific word of encouragement from God to the discouraged person. Hearing and speaking God’s word is easy if the standards are certainty and clarity. We all know when we are clear and certain. Every Christian, at least once in their relationship with Christ, has had a moment of clarity and certainty in what to say or do from the Spirit. Let that moment be your standard. Resolve not to speak or act unless you have the very same certainty or clarity that you had in the moment of clarity that you remember. Even if Satan attacks you and seeks to take the clarity or certainty, you will know that you are being attacked. In other words, you may feel apprehension, but you will also feel a peace deep inside THAT SURPASSES UNDERSTANDING, as Paul said to the Philippians. You will not be able to explain y our peace in spite of your apprehension. You will know, in spite of adverse circumstances, that you do indeed have words from God. When, and after, you speak them, you will feel as though a burden has been pleasantly removed. The character and content of God’s words are clarity and certainty, the motivations being love and encouragement. The devil NEVER wants to encourage, and he is NEVER clear or certain in his manifestations, for deception, by definition, is obscurity; and the slanderer and adversary, by definition, does not want do encourage believers in their faith. Therefore, you know your own voice or thoughts by speaking them. You know the devil’s thoughts or voice because his voice is always discouraging and confusing. You know God’s voice by clarity and certainty, and the motivations of encouragement and love, in spite of adverse circumstances. May the ones who read be encouraged to love people by speaking clear and certain words from God’s Spirit. How to hear and speak words from God (Part 1) To speak God’s word, one must hear God’s word clearly and accurately. Repentance, submission, and consecration were the conditions given for hearing, assuming one possesses the need and desire to hear God’s voice, and assuming one has faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, which results in the presence of the Holy Spirit in the one who believes. If one hears accurately and clearly, then one simply speaks what one has heard, neither adding to it, nor subtracting from it, nor negating it. One should speak only what the Spirit leads, when the Spirit leads, to the one the Spirit leads. This is important because of timing and the spiritual state of the hearer. If one speaks a word from God at the wrong time and wrong place to the wrong person, God is dishonored and the hearer is discouraged instead of encouraged. The goal is encouragement. An oracle must seek to encourage and strengthen the one who listens, even if he or she must bring correction. If one speaks from a motivation of love and truth, the Spirit of love and truth will give words from heaven for edification. How will you know you are speaking words from heaven? The same way that you know that you hear words from heaven. What is the content and character of God’s revealed word? It is helpful in hearing and speaking God’s word to first hear and speak your own. For example, if you want to encourage a brother or sister, think FOR YOURSELF about words you want to use or say. Say these words out loud to yourself. Having heard your own words, ask God if he wants you to speak these words only, or if he wants you to speak more, less, or different words all together. Then wait. If God wants you to speak EXACTLY what you had in mind, you will sense deep in you peace and energy and certainty, “life and peace” as Paul calls it in Romans chapter 8. You will know WITH CERTAINTY that you should speak exactly what you hav e in mind. You will know when and where and how and to whom. Expect certainty and clarity, for God the Spirit is all-knowing and all-powerful. He knows what should be said and how it should be said. Anything less than certainty and clarity is not of God and not true faith. Dismiss the notion that faith involves A LACK OF CLARITY AND CERTAINTY. To “walk by faith and not by sight” is not the same as walking by uncertainty and obscurity. The difference is the source of certainty and clarity. The one who lives by faith finds his or her clarity and certainty IN GOD’S WRITTEN AND SPOKEN WORD, AND NOT IN THE FIVE SENSES ALONE. Even the five senses are not negated entirely, for Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread ALONE, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (emphasis mine) Jesus did not say man shall not live by bread AT ALL. So, if there is clarity and certainty that all you desire to speak for encouragement is from God, then speak it. If you feel clarity and certainty about some of what you have in mind, but not all that you have in mind, then keep what you have certainty about and seek God about the obscurity. In doing this, the Spirit will take away unnecessary or discouraging words, and replace them with better words, or simply leave the remainder of your words to be said. If you have NO CLARITY, PEACE, OR CERTAINTY, then don’t speak AT ALL. It is better to pray for the brother or sister’s encouragement, leaving this to God, than to try to encourage with a word from God THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. This takes humility. It takes realizing that we cannot help every one all of the time. Sometimes we must leave people to God OR TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP THEM. Someone else may have a specific word of encouragement from God to the discouraged person. Hearing and speaking God’s word is easy if the standards are certainty and clarity. We all know when we are clear and certain. Every Christian, at least once in their relationship with Christ, has had a moment of clarity and certainty in what to say or do from the Spirit. Let that moment be your standard. Resolve not to speak or act unless you have the very same certainty or clarity that you had in the moment of clarity that you remember. Even if Satan attacks you and seeks to take the clarity or certainty, you will know that you are being attacked. In other words, you may feel apprehension, but you will also feel a peace deep inside THAT SURPASSES UNDERSTANDING, as Paul said to the Philippians. You will not be able to explain your peace in spite of your apprehension. You will know, in spite of adverse circumstances, that you do indeed have words from God. When, and after, you speak them, you will feel as though a burden has been pleasantly removed. The character and content of God’s words are clarity and certainty, the motivations being love and encouragement. The devil NEVER wants to encourage, and he is NEVER clear or certain in his manifestations, for deception, by definition, is obscurity; and the slanderer and adversary, by definition, does not want do encourage believers in their faith. Therefore, you know your own voice or thoughts by speaking them. You know the devil’s thoughts or voice because his voice is always discouraging and confusing. You know God’s voice by clarity and certainty, and the motivations of encouragement and love, in spite of adverse circumstances. May the ones who read be encouraged to love people by speaking clear and certain words from God’s Spirit. How to hear and speak words from God (Part 1) To speak God’s word, one must hear God’s word clearly and accurately. Repentance, submission, and consecration were the conditions given for hearing, assuming one possesses the need and desire to hear God’s voice, and assuming one has faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, which results in the presence of the Holy Spirit in the one who believes. If one hears accurately and clearly, then one simply speaks what one has heard, neither adding to it, nor subtracting from it, nor negating it. One should speak only what the Spirit leads, when the Spirit leads, to the one the Spirit leads. This is important because of timing and the spiritual state of the hearer. If one speaks a word from God at the wrong time and wrong place to the wrong person, God is dishonored and the hearer is discouraged instead of encouraged. The goal is encouragement. An oracle must seek to encourage and strengthen the one who listens, even if he or she must bring correction. If one speaks from a motivation of love and truth, the Spirit of love and truth will give words from heaven for edification. How will you know you are speaking words from heaven? The same way that you know that you hear words from heaven. What is the content and character of God’s revealed word? It is helpful in hearing and speaking God’s word to first hear and speak your own. For example, if you want to encourage a brother or sister, think FOR YOURSELF about words you want to use or say. Say these words out loud to yourself. Having heard your own words, ask God if he wants you to speak these words only, or if he wants you to speak more, less, or different words all together. Then wait. If God wants you to speak EXACTLY what you had in mind, you will sense deep in you peace and energy and certainty, “life and peace” as Paul calls it in Romans chapter 8. You will know WITH CERTAINTY that you should speak exactly what you have in mind. You will know when and where and how and to whom. Expect certainty and clarity, for God the Spirit is all-knowing and all-powerful. He knows what should be said and how it should be said. Anything less than certainty and clarity is not of God and not true faith. Dismiss the notion that faith involves A LACK OF CLARITY AND CERTAINTY. To “walk by faith and not by sight” is not the same as walking by uncertainty and obscurity. The difference is the source of certainty and clarity. The one who lives by faith finds his or her clarity and certainty IN GOD’S WRITTEN AND SPOKEN WORD, AND NOT IN THE FIVE SENSES ALONE. Even the five senses are not negated entirely, for Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread ALONE, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (emphasis mine) Jesus did not say man shall not live by bread AT ALL. So, if there is clarity and certainty that all you desire to speak for encouragement is from God, then speak it. If you feel clarity and certainty about some of what you have in mind, but not all that you have in mind, then keep what you have certainty about and seek God about the obscurity. In doing this, the Spirit will take away unnecessary or discouraging words, and replace them with better words, or simply leave the remainder of your words to be said. If you have NO CLARITY, PEACE, OR CERTAINTY, then don’t speak AT ALL. It is better to pray for the brother or sister’s encouragement, leaving this to God, than to try to encourage with a word from God THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. This takes humility. It takes realizing that we cannot help every one all of the time. Sometimes we must leave people to God OR TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP THEM. Someone else may have a specific word of encouragement from God to the discouraged person. Hearing and speaking God’s word is easy if the standards are certainty and clarity. We all know when we are clear and certain. Every Christian, at least once in their relationship with Christ, has had a moment of clarity and certainty in what to say or do from the Spirit. Let that moment be your standard. Resolve not to speak or act unless you have the very same certainty or clarity that you had in the moment of clarity that you remember. Even if Satan attacks you and seeks to take the clarity or certainty, you will know that you are being attacked. In other words, you may feel apprehension, but you will also feel a peace deep inside THAT SURPASSES UNDERSTANDING, as Paul said to the Philippians. You will not be able to explain your peace in spite of your apprehension. You will know, in spite of adverse circumstances, that you do indeed have words from God. When, and after, you speak them, you will feel as though a burden has been pleasantly removed. The character and content of God’s words are clarity and certainty, the motivations being love and encouragement. The devil NEVER wants to encourage, and he is NEVER clear or certain in his manifestations, for deception, by definition, is obscurity; and the slanderer and adversary, by definition, does not want do encourage believers in their faith. Therefore, you know your own voice or thoughts by speaking them. You know the devil’s thoughts or voice because his voice is always discouraging and confusing. You know God’s voice by clarity and certainty, and the motivations of encouragement and love, in spite of adverse circumstances. May the ones who read be encouraged to love people by speaking clear and certain words from God’s Spirit.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 20:25:45 +0000

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