How to know if I met the wife/perfect husband (E) for me? The - TopicsExpress


How to know if I met the wife/perfect husband (E) for me? The Bible does not indicate how to find “the spouse perfect”, at least as clearly as we would wish it. The only thing against which the Word of God warns to us explicitly, it is not to marry us with an unbeliever (2 Corinthian 6: 14-15). The passage in 1 Corinthian 7: 39 recalls us that if we are free to marry us, we should make it only with people that God can approve – i.e. with Christians. Apart from that, the Bible keeps silence about what would enable us to know that we will marry “the good” person. Why God doesnt he explain us clearly what should search to us in a future companion or partner? Why dont we have more details on such an important question? To tell the truth, the Bible is so clear in the definition of what is a Christian and how we must behave that any complementary precision is useless. The Christians are supposed to share the same point of view on the essential questions of the life, and already there if two Christians seriously committed themselves in their marriage obeying Christ, they have the ingredients necessary to the success. However, because our company is flooded people who are Christian, it would be however careful to show understanding before engaging in the marriage for the duration of a whole life. Once the priorities of a possible partner were identified – namely if it or it is truly decided to resemble to Christ – then the details are easier to identify and to manage. Before all things, we should ensure us that we are ready for the marriage. We must have enough maturity to see beyond here and now and to be sufficiently sure that we can commit ourselves linking us with this person for the rest of our life. We must as be conscious as the marriage requires much sacrifice and altruism. Before marrying, the couple should study the roles and the duties of the husband and the wife whom teach the Bible: Éphésiens 5: 22-31; 1 Corinthian 7: 1-16; Colossiens 3: 18-19; Tite 2: 1-5; 1 Pierre 3: 1-7. A couple should as make sure as he knows himself since sufficient time to consider the marriage. Each one should observe the reactions of the other in various situations, how it behaves with respect to its family and of his friends and which kind of people it attends. The behavior of a person often is very influenced by the people of which it is surrounded (1 Corinthian 15: 33). The two members of the couple should beforehand agree on a certain number of subjects such as morality, finances, the values, the children, the participation in the life of the church, the relations with the parents-in-law, work, etc It exists various potential fields of conflict in a couple which should be approached before the marriage. Lastly, a couple which considers the marriage should as a preliminary consider a pre-marital accompaniment with its Pasteur or all other to advise Christian qualified. It will profit thus from tools which will be very useful for him to thereafter build their couple on the base of the faith as a Christ, and to also learn how to manage the inevitable conflicts which expect them. After having respected all these criteria, the couple is certainly ready to decide in the prayer if they wish to link both by the links of the marriage. If we seek the will of God sincerely, It will be able to direct our steps (Proverbs 3: 5-6).
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 04:36:12 +0000

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