How to live a happy home!!! Put God first!!! - TopicsExpress


How to live a happy home!!! Put God first!!! LADIES: If You Have a Good Man and you’re Not Treating Him RIGHT, You will Eventually Push Him Away! It only takes few seconds for us to hurt someone, but sometimes it takes years to repair the damage. Always remember, pain makes people change. So dont hurt them when you do not want them to change... Always Treat Your Man The Same Way You Want To Be Treated! Learn To Appreciate Your Man... Learn To Communicate Without Blaming Your Man. Nagging Will Never Help Your Relationship; it will do The Opposite! LADIES: If You Want To Be Treated Like A Queen, You Must First Act Like A QUEEN!!! A man is like a baby, all they need is to be nurtured and cared for. If neglected or feel rejected will be forced to fall into any other hand that carried them and accepted them. Dont take a good MAN/WOMAN for granted. Someday someone will come along and appreciate what you didnt!! When you find something worth keeping, make sure you grab it with both arms and dont let it go. Your Relationship Gets Stronger when You Encourage, Respect And Build Each Other Up! A Wise Woman Searches for KNOWLEDGE to Become Even WISER!!! It’s Very Simple, If You Do Nothing You Get Nothing; TAKE ACTION!!! LADIES: give your man the freedom to be himself totally, to show the good, bad & ugly without fear of being criticized, corrected or rejected, then you will have the precious chance of knowing him fully & hell always be comfortable to be real & even open for change. If you want your man to tell the truth, be meek in noting his mistakes. Dont harass him, if you do; hell pretend to change, start lying & hiding stuff from you... Dont forget that the main key to unlock a mans heart is respect and care, theyre like babies, dont let them go hungry, always feed them on time; both natural and physical food! Always consult God first in every matter.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:27:51 +0000

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