How to lose weight correctly? To lose weight successfully, you - TopicsExpress


How to lose weight correctly? To lose weight successfully, you know you need to play sports and do not rely solely on the regime. Of course, it works but it has a good chance of ending up with a thin but soft and unattractive figure. When we talk about diet, we think primarily to running or other endurance sports. But there are better and more efficient! In fact, the best way to lose fat is to combine his cardio training, weight training and diet. This is the winning combination! Strength training will help you during and after your diet to stabilize your weight. With an increase in muscle mass, you will increase your metabolism and therefore the number of calories you consume at rest. Diet, then followed by a dry - a diet in the jargon of bodybuilding - is a difficult experience for the practicing bodybuilding period. It must lose its fat and try to keep as much muscle to show a physical dry, sharpened see frayed. How much weight can you lose? If you are overweight and need to lose weight accumulated over the years, or due to a good ground, you must have the reasonable objective loss of about 1 pound per week. It is a realistic goal and not excessive. Wanting to lose more is quite possible but weight loss may be muscle mass, and it is not desirable at all. Indeed, losing muscle lowers metabolism, that is to say, the consumption of calories by your body. Best if you want to be a victim of the yo-yo effect! For 10 pounds overweight, it will take on a floating regime two months and half, depending on the individual. Some will lose a lot and quickly at the beginning of the plan, for others it will be slower. For example, if you are overweight with a large excess fat and in addition you are retaining water, you probably lose more than a pound a week for your body, in addition to fat loss, lose excess water stored. In most cases, the loss of a pound a week is a good reasonable pace. Why diets do not work? We know diets do not work over the long term. This has caused an uproar in the press and that is what most studies that have investigated the effectiveness of these plans show. You lose weight but the pounds taken up in the long run, with a little bonus. Here, we offer a path that has proven itself and that works. People usually turn to drastic diets or miracle methods found in magazines and are victims of the yo-yo effect. Indeed, the body adapts and reduces its basal metabolism when it is faced with a dearth that drags on. It is then necessary to adapt and use less energy. The energy of these calorie restrictive diets are generally low, and protein intake is not always suitable. The body will then draw directly into the muscles - reserves of protein and energy - to compensate for this lack. Less muscle is the lower metabolism so calories burned by the body. These hardships can not last forever, they eventually give in and show the usual diet before, or else let go squarely on the worst food. They regrossissent even more than before even while eating light because metabolism and decreased body made reservations in case of another famine ... These diets also deny vitamins and minerals, with adverse consequences for health (calcium particular). In addition, the social life is affected because dieters long are constantly tired and aggressive, and that is the spouse or child support ... In short, as you can see, restrictive diets are ineffective and harmful in the long run. What do weight during a diet ? For the beginner bodybuilding - or fitness - who decides to combine his diet to lose fat with sports sessions, visit bodybuilding program section to set up your program. There are many tailored programs and objectives of a beginner. The easiest way is to do all the body during exercise, 3 times a week. Add to your strength training three cardio sessions a week as the bike or running. For others who are already training or who have completed a ground socket, it is better for a plan to train in short series, not to lower its costs to avoid losing muscle and increase the rest between series because it gets less and less quickly when dieting. Indeed, during a diet, there is decrease in maximum exercise capacity due to the reduction in the stock of muscle and liver glycogen due to the restriction of carbohydrates. It is therefore not the time to try to increase its performance. Cardio during the regime The cardio training is useful for losing calories and raise metabolism during and after sitting for several hours. The long drive will eventually consume a little fat but do not abuse it under pain of being flat and Buler muscle. Cardio session should be preferably in the days of rest (for beginners) or after weight training (for trained), always after! Leave on 3 sessions per week. We can do 20-30 minutes of cardio if you Casez session after weight training. If a session is dedicated to cardio on a day of rest, 45 to 60 minutes will do. Move and Be Active! Another way to increase energy expenditure is to have an active life, other than to stay on the couch and growing laziness. Some simple to apply as as walking instead of taking the car, not watching too much television or playing video games, and walk out with your children examples to clean more often, down a little heating, etc. This is ... to act on their lifestyle and change bad habits sedentary. How to eat during the diet? As a result, some nutrition tips to help you set up your weight loss regime or dry: Do not lower your calories brutally! It is certainly the best way to lose weight, but most of the muscle mass! Rather, it is recommended to gradually reduce food intake. For percentages of each nutrient, if you want to lose weight and reduce the loss of muscle mass, leaving 30% of calories from protein, 20% fat and 50% carbohydrates. Use the table for the calculation of calories present in the diet section of the site or online calculator calories this site. Take 4-6 small meals a day rather than three hearty! Many nutritionists recommend this way of eating. The advantages are many: increased metabolism (digestion), better absorption and utilization of nutrients and calories, improved production (endocrine) hormones, increased protein synthesis, quicker recovery, stable energy levels, etc. You have to eat more often and distribute caloric intake. Eat quality protein sources! If you are new to weight training and do not know anything about nutrition, see Nutrition section of the site to be sensitized on the importance of protein when doing a diet with weight training. Whether the plan or dry, eat quality protein at each meal and vary your sources to maximize absorption. For example, you can complete animal protein with vegetable or starch from legumes. Maintain a high protein intake but not excessive. We suggest 1.5 g / kg of body weight of protein to a diet with sports, and 2 to 2.5 g / kg for those doing weight training and want to dry and sharpen. In practice, an athlete of 70 pounds will take 2 x 70 = 140g of protein spread over 4 or 5 meals and snacks. Prefer complex carbohydrates rather than simple! Reduce carbohydrates gradually but never delete the long term, to keep enough energy for your daily activities and your athletic training. At the discretion of the plan and the results on your body, it will adjust this is to say increase the good carbs - low glycemic index - if there is too much weight loss, or decrease if does not lose enough. Simple sugars of high glycemic index may be consumed after the session to speed recovery and replenish glycogen. Must be adjusted depending on the input intensity of the session. It is best to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the evening to avoid storing them as fat. The evening meal is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Reload periodically carb! Reload carbohydrate helps stimulate muscle anabolism. The carbohydrate charging is a technique used by bodybuilders to not be flat, and avoids the low calorie diet too lowers energy levels and hormones. This allows the muscles to reload glycogen and keep the strength and volume. Consider also that strength training is catabolic, that is to say, it destroys muscle. To limit this catabolism, eat carbs after the workout. This cycle power principle is the basis of the zigzag regime discussed on this website. In some systems, there is the principle meal wildcards (once or twice a week) that recharge and have fun from time to time to take psychologically and socially. Eat low fat but enough for you! Chasing fat to no longer eat a single gram is harmful to health. We must eat enough to avoid deficiency. Prefer oils rich in essential fatty acids (olive oil, nuts, fatty fish etc. ..) and never get below 10% of calories. Choose foods that have a good satiety index! These are the ones that stuff, feel fuller and stall. Are: whole grains, fibrous vegetables, legumes, fruits, oatmeal, etc. They do not make you fat and fiber are not absorbed by the body. In revanchent, you avoid cravings and feed you properly. You should not be hungry during your diet otherwise you jump on the worst food. To do this, you must eat the right foods and more often but not necessarily in quantity and calories. Some supplements can help you! Supplements with a thermogenic effect do increase heat production by the body. Include caffeine or guarana, stimulating fat burners. Those herbal as blackcurrant, orthosiphon, artichoke, dandelion have some interesting properties. Others are lipotropic such as choline, inositol, guarana, chitosan or citrus aurantium. They may be more in a diet weight loss bet but especially good nutrition. How to check the results? There are several ways to evaluate and verify the changes in your body during your diet. You can use a compass to manually measure in several points of the fat under the skin. There is also the impedance scales. They provide some answers even if those values, not always reliable, are to be taken lightly. Nevertheless, they are used to assess changes in muscle and fat. Best to check your appearance, in addition to weighing, is the measure of waist circumference. Also ask the opinion of another person, a relative, to assess your physical changes because when we see every day, its hard to evaluate things. Following the assessment and outcomes will adjust your diet is to say increase caloric intake if you lose too much weight and muscle volume, or decrease if you do not lose or not enough. And after the diet? If your goal was to see the dry regime, there you are relieved of those pounds. You have reached your goal, you are finally dry and did not lose too much muscle mass. Maybe you want to stay in good shape, keeping you at a low body fat. But know that it will be difficult then to gain muscle mass in these conditions, the gains will be slow and weak. Moreover, there will always monitor food. If your goal was to lose weight to improve your figure, you have to stabilize your weight now. You have gained experience in strength training, cardio training and nutrition has fewer secrets for you. Your goal now is to find the right balance between training and maintaining a healthy but not as strict as that used to lose fat nutrition. We need the energy expenditure is now equal to the caloric intake.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:34:05 +0000

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