How to lure people with the promise of becoming a - TopicsExpress


How to lure people with the promise of becoming a millionaire? Sister, you do not want to be a millionaire? There is a good job. Qazanmanı you want. Why else would win? - What is it? - Not in the conversation. To do this, it must do. The dialogue is perhaps known to many people. Once upon those who are engaged in the business of network-word, relatives, friends and acquaintances out of the way to the offices of the way. Still, its a form of dialogue. The next person who tries to work out over the phone what is not, and refuses to go to the office. When a friend of the millionaires who wants to be a two-day, sometimes 2-3 months of calling and rural-gum it is an absolute must, closer, my friend, my dear brother, you want qazanmanı. Although they are similar, the beads have become subject to the business of fashion in the 1990s, but business is about networking over the Internet. How does business over the Internet network, in this case, who wins, who loses, whos who, how, and how deceiving gullible? Udanlar put the money to work to find the answers to this and losers, and those in charge of the network business, as well as independent experts we talked. 5 members of a family drowned in how to make money Ramiz Quest. net interviewer a few years ago (now - LM) qosulanlardandır networking business. He says that not only himself, his father, sister, aunt and uncle joined the business. Even at the insistence of his friends on the network that has left a permanent place of business, the moon will be at least 2-3 thousand pounds. 600-800 pounds each to the relatives of gold jewelery separately booked. Each other and their relatives involved in the business of 2-3 months after the start of the process, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the General Department for Combating Organized Crime, as a result of operations conducted by the millions of pounds of their money fraudulently deceived the citizens who seized the trans- an organized criminal gang. The network wants to put money in your business, in order that a few members of this family have not arrived jewelery. Thus, it went well with a rope. According to Rob, this is it work to a close friend who lives in the same town, and then he took his relatives involved in the process. Ramiz says that 3-4 years ago to join the network still could not return the debt of a thousand pounds: Even people who know the percentage of their debt to the bank for a period of 2 years, it will be returned in full force. The fact that it wanted to sell the goods bought over the internet in the market that are 3-4 times cheaper price, do not sell the hand. What is the crux of the issue? As we mentioned above, we are the offices of the sweet promises. We welcome and friendly staff in the office is a room tidy. Here you are and who you want to connect to your company Talking about ways to earn money (for some reason, anladanlar ways of making money is always ladies - LM) happens. First, he asks you, you want to be a millionaire. Of course, you answered yes After the success of the ways of sweet talking the language of business and the network is running. Speech is such that it is impossible to lose work. In fact, in this way you are rich, luxurious cars and houses, was the stories that have foreign names. In addition, in order to become members of the system and then you kind of jewelery owned by the company, or the need for health care products, or for any stay in the country is required to provide a free hotel booking service. He also produced a very limited number of gold, and is said to be a lower cost than you. Not only can these products be a member of the company after receiving the money. Once upon yazdırırsınız members, they are able to earn money through. For example, given a thousand pounds of gold jewelery get 1, then 2 yazdırırsınız upon, that they receive the product. So, you get 2 more 250 pounds. Then, upon written on 2 of 2 people printed their own to get to 250 pounds. Thus, more people write down upon you the promise of more to win. Of course, you can also join these sweet promises, misled the network business. Do you think that had a lot of acquaintances you people just need to dial 1-att months. Thus, ways to earn money telling you she wants to be able to achieve. This business has been banned in the United States Vugar Bayramly interview with economist and scholar but the first drawing that was network marketing, he said: The rulers of the marketing business and quickly join the pyramid. Networking creates business for the first time in the United States and then spread to various countries of the world. But the majority of those involved in the network business, business fraud, as well as by those who constitute the majority of those involved in the industry to come to terms with loss of activity was banned in the United States. After some time, the network business in developing countries lead banned explicitly misleading the people. VBayramlının the network will lead to high-income business, the deception of the people by removing a portion of their proceeds to put it out of business and elsewhere in the network developed this type of business as a business is prohibited. However, the relatively low awareness and knowledge of the business is to grow the network in less developed societies. Because of the limited outlook and illiterate people are comfortable and easy to persuade. Of such countries. The main point of this business is that people are more easily persuaded to make a profit without working. To buy 10 times more expensive than the market value of goods VBayramlı also noted that the values of the proposed business, the market value of the network many times, sometimes more than 10 times: You get some expensive product because it is a condition of joining the network business of the person involved in the business on the basis of the pyramid lose instead of to win. In general, the network will not be able to receive a regular income business. Instead, the man began to make a profit, how long it stays in business, won the first stage in a more or less lost. Therefore, to attract people to a specific person with access to the network bilibsə business, the business must be provided in a timely manner. Accounts: Who loses and who wins? It should be noted that a few years ago, the network business, in particular QuestNet The company has been operating. In 2011, the QuestNet International Limited has been filed against the company. Approximately 20 thousand people a certain amount of money from each of the companys top-line benefit of up to $ 15 million, has been adopted. 570 people were taken to a fine of $ 2,500 dollars. The investigation revealed that the pyramid system loses 83 percent of the members of the network business, absorbs only 17 per cent. Vugar Bayramly says that not all of those members of the network business unbeaten: Other people are shown as an example of the udanlar. The income of the entrepreneurs business is that of network management, network, out of every hundred of those who entered the business income is 10 percent, not 90 percent of the revenue. In all cases higher than the market price for products sold on the network business wins. Based on the opinion of experts, it can be concluded that the network is connected to the business of lets say, an average of 15 per thousand people in the best case, that is, losing 850 men, only 150 people will benefit. This is a man who sees 150 people think that they can win. This business is faced with the danger of joining the wasted money and the desire to take their money away, so persuaded the people close to the company covered in the register at least take the money put. Know why, relatives? Passers-network business, not just your friends, relatives, loved ones when it comes to the cause of the attraction, with a large number of VBayramlı taken in this area, it said: If you remember, a few years ago, the QuestNet a large portion of the company, who was the arresting . However, in this type of business is not officially banned, but there is evidence of deception in the criminal case was opened. The involvement of the family business, it is just that, aldadılsa so buddy-buddy, relative relatives could not complain. The reason for the change in location of the offices of such companies often impedes them from the plaintiffs inability to control the activity of state bodies counted them. The company has changed the location, time can not return Jalas interlocutor qurbanlarındandır the network business. He said, fell victim to the gangs business. However, it does not connect to the network in order to build their business, Goldmine from the time the company seeks to overcome the problem, can not find the previous spot. Jala says it has up to 75 hours, and while it is gold plated, which involved a friend of the company said, Do not worry, you can print on top of the man, you will, I will invite people to myself. Jalənin the golden hour guarantee, that Lifetime guarantee made with, it was noted that the warranty document: But the time to return the damaged pipeline and power supply in the document itself, but can not find a place in the company. Leads me to say to my friend, the company changed its place, where it is now time to return. That tells me there is no contact number, no one in the company. I can not say that it was my friend, I yazdırmısan you, take the time you gave the blessing, and now my money, take the time. Note that the article refers to business networking, business networking is a classic, accounts, orders over the Internet to the business plan.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:45:47 +0000

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