How to no a immature guy in a relationship 1.Youre his first - TopicsExpress


How to no a immature guy in a relationship 1.Youre his first real relationship:He had a girlfriend or two in high school, but has not dated since. If youre his first girlfriend in the real world youre probably going to have to teach him a few basics. The only thing he has to compare this relationship to are the hormone and puberty induced ones he had when he was seventeen. In his head, when things get rough youre going to act like his psychotic high school girlfriend, and hes going to treat you as such. Bottom line: if youre his first real girlfriend, youre going to have to teach him a lot, and most of that will be the difference between girls and women. 2.He doesnt know how to communicate:Communication is key to any relationship. There are going to be confrontations, fights, and near-breakups, but how these are handled are what determines if the couple is going to make it or not. If your boy/man-child isnt willing to listen to you, or he readily dismisses your feelings, hes not mature enough to be with you in the long run. 3.He loves his pride more than the relationship:There is a certain amount of give and take in relationships. If your man loves being right more than he loves you, hes no man at all-hes just a stubborn boy. Everyone has to swallow their pride at some point, and boys arent willing to do this yet. 4.He doesnt own his flaws:This one is about placing blame, and when something happens in a relationship its hardly ever just one persons fault. If youre willing to accept what you did wrong, and he isnt, he essentially thinks hes always right. Not only is that immature, its egotistical. 5.He doesnt want to be depended on:When poo hits the fan, hes nowhere to be seen. You might get some sympathy from him, but he puts minimal effort into being the person you can rely on. This is because immature boys retreat when things are too difficult for them. Simply put: men are strong, boys are weak. 6.Youre his girlfriend when its convenient for him:You had plans for a nice weekend together? Too bad something else came up and he bailed on you. Sometimes, nothing at all comes up, but he just cant be bothered and would rather sleep in that day. Men are committed to a relationship and put you before themselves at least some of the time. Boys do whatever they want despite you. 7.He gets lazy:He stopped putting in effort months ago. You no longer get the cute texts you use to screen-shot. You have to fish for compliments because he doesnt offer them up anymore. And just-because phone calls are so few and far-between you begin to doubt their existence all together. 8.Hes a hypocrite:Remember when he got mad at you because you texted him K that one time? Now he does it when hes upset just to spite you. All those things you swore never to do again, and he cant see the irony in the doing them exactly the same way. 9.He has no ambition:Hes unhappy with his present condition but wont make any steps to fix it. I dont think every man needs to know what he wants to be in life, but a lack of motivation in his personal life will definitely transfer over to your relationship. 10.Instead of breaking up with you, hell be a jerk until you break up with him:This is something only a spineless boy does. When the relationship reaches its expiration date, instead of being honest about it with you, hed rather hang in there until you leave him. Thus, he doesnt have to be the bad guy, and youre the one stuck doing his dirty work. Theres a reason girls tend to date older guys: theyre hoping to find someone who has grown out of these tendencies
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:15:49 +0000

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