How to play freerolls at PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and other - TopicsExpress


How to play freerolls at PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and other poker rooms Freeroll - poker tournament without the need for buy-in. As a prize fund for such tournaments used a small amount of cash or a ticket to the next stage with more serious freeroll prizes. The magnitude of the prize fund in most freerolls is directly proportional to the chances for the prize. Freerolls - a popular way to attract players. All the leading poker rooms on Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars freerolls use it with the designated purpose. Is it worth spending your time on these tournaments? Bypass the tens of thousands of participants for a relatively small prize? If you are skilled enough and clearly winning player - of course not, freerolls is not for you. In your case it would be a waste of time and skills. Take first place in the freeroll, despite the weaker field, a little easier than to take first place in the tournament with a buy-in a couple of dollars and the same number of CMV participants. However, in the first case, you will get something around $ 20-30, and the second at least 1000. Unreasonableness of such undertakings for the experienced player is obvious. Another thing the Cubs, for whom such tournaments can be a good workout, but at a certain share of luck - in a manner to form a starting bankroll. During the game freerolls detail novice player can understand all the intricacies to ensure the poker room, learn how to use auxiliary software, change the style of play at different stages of the tournament, and many other things, working almost equally in all tournaments, regardless of the size of buy-in. Of course, not all the experience gained in the process of drawing freerolls can be used in the drawing tournaments with large buy-ins. However, a reasonable person and its so obvious. So, we decided that there was nothing wrong in the fact that early in their careers to participate in the lottery freerolls. Now we have to deal with how to do it right, with all of their features. The main difference between these tournaments - a very weak field, ie its membership. Dictated it for free and meager prize money. Almost all involved - newcomers, some of whom are playing poker for the first time in his life, respectively, have no idea of what a continuation bet, three-bet, the pot odds, etc. Occasionally such tournaments come and bored pros, but the phenomenon is so rare, that in our strategy amendments on their part is not provided. There are three stages of a freeroll tournament - early (average stack more 25BB), late (less than 25BB) and the final table, for each of which must use its own strategy. Strategy games on Freeroll Early stage freeroll At this stage, your game should fall within the definition supertaytovoy. Forget about such methods as rate of continuation or skvizpley. When you play with people who have, at best, a general idea of poker, your tricks will not have the desired effect. Bluffs and raises the standard value (3-5BB) at this stage do not work. Regardless of your position on the flop, go all-in with premium hands AA, KK, QQ and AK. At this stage of the game in the freeroll tournament, no matter if you play a freeroll on PokerStars, Full Tilt or anywhere else (the audience of players freeroll tournaments are usually the same everywhere, its beginning poker players who are using freeroll want to create his first bankroll), the likelihood that someone accepts your broke very high. More importantly, playing so you will not get into a situation where the value of a raise in the bank will 10BB 6-7 limpers, greatly reducing your chances of winning. When playing from middle position we also go all-in with JJ and AQ, provided that the sale took place before us is not very active. With the button and HJ can try to steal the blinds with medium pocket pairs, but not too often. From late position raises to if you were not permitted limp with speculative hands. The flop play is even easier - if we have an acceptable combination of cards ready forces - VABank otherwise play check-fold. If the pot is an essential part of your stack, with good drawing combinations can push. Late stage freeroll The overall strategy is the same. Preflop play even a little tighter, stopping to play speculative hands. In the rest continue to play tight-aggressive style, throwing weak and protecting up to campaign for broke, good hands. In the fight against loose bigstekami join only if the premium cards from AK and above. Gently play with small stacks. Against average stacks, on the contrary, use bluff and stealing the blinds as often as possible. Forget the call button. Decided to join the game - join a raise. The final table freeroll Optimum Style at the final table - the opposite style, prevailing at the table. Most opponents play this stage freeroll tight-passive - the super-aggressive act. Raises and re-raises the set - slow down the pace, acting cautiously. However, even a cautious final table should not be passive. Play by the situation or tight-loose-aggressive, instead of trying to wait out your opponents. Remember that one time better to take first place, ninth than 10 times!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:30:05 +0000

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