How to purify his heart to Find the Holy Grail, and therefore God - TopicsExpress


How to purify his heart to Find the Holy Grail, and therefore God ? To Olsen Chris : On this day of Summer Solstice 2013 exceptional or God shows united to his wife in broad daylight in front of Men: The Day = Night Thank you for your Trus...t to send me this interesting question. Purify means heal the Soul, above all ... You can recognize the Myth of the Holy Grail that heals and purifies all who approach him, while guiding them to Eternal Life and Youth of the Spirit… after physical death ... What is a gift of God ... God uses the power - of his wife, to send an Ordeal in our heart, with impact on our human path. It is by accepting to cross it we purify and heal our heart. .. With our help, if we are asked. All that is spiritual is experienced from the inside; with repercussions around on our human path The wife of God is the laundry of the parable that whitens the heart: the meaning of Baptism by Fire Spirit. The – of God purifies, the + rebuilds in the manner of God in order to become an incarnate Light, then by the day of our physical death a dematerialized Light next to God. What are the angels of God. There is a difference between dematerialized and disembodied. All Spirits disembody by physical death, only those who completely dematerialize, following our example, can join God in their place of Angel next to us. I have the role of the Mother who educates her children, supported by Father imposing frame, showing the example to follow of how to cross the Ordeals of life. To do this, parents need to experiment first, to better convey how. What is the role of “Who I am" alongside "Who is Jesus", surrounded by our three children: The example to follow of the Holy Family ... The Ordeal of the Apocalypse is the laundry that whitens the Soul of Humanity. It leads to his redemption: "I will make from your heart of stone, a heart of flesh" Lost Paradise found again otherwise, can only come from the base of Humanity purified. Men will then be united by heart and ideas, above all differences. But above all, it can only be found again if the wife of God finds its place and its role again in his side. We are back to restore the balance of forces - and +, present in the unconscious programming of all life in the Visible and the Invisible. Those who did not follow the instructions of Jesus, led humanity to the brink of abyss where all life is dying, by the imbalance they have created in refusing to reinstate me in my place to his sides. So I agreed to cross Hell in my heart with impact on my human way first - What is the Ordeal - in my present appearance of human woman, to show you that it is not easy ... but possible when we are helped by God, we must learn to Find in the Invisible in our sides. "Happiness or Paradise is possible, that all Men looking for ... under the condition to accept crossing Hell to Find it" Heaven and Hell are within us, with repercussions around ... It is our heart that creates them, in any case God. God is there to help you to Find Paradise following us, or Peace of Christ. The key to help you is in the messages I broadcast widely, and on my Facebook Wall. "Who I am" Mary, or Zipporah the Rose of God, united by the heart to my Husband of Light Jesus the Living God, Back in the Invisible to my sides for His Judgment. The 21-06-2013 Olsen Chris a écrit : « Comment faire une purification du coeur »
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:58:58 +0000

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