How to renew a relationship - TOP 5 Re-freshen a marriage this - TopicsExpress


How to renew a relationship - TOP 5 Re-freshen a marriage this is a method that I learned by reading and listening to great speakers. I use a portion marriage Counseling. OK- You fell in love - You got to a point where you both decided to become husband and wife - Then the minute you get married something changed. What was it? Each of us has images of what a marriage is those images came from the people who raised us our parents, or grands or whomever it was. They demonstrated in a specific manner how marriage was and our mind saw this, the patterns and activities flew like a Jet into our subconscious minds. So that once we became married we for some strange reason started acting differently and really didnt think anything about it. It could be the simple, dinner is at 5 and on the table and ____ so on. Or any other 1950s values set we observed. Yet working up to the marriage we never acted like that. Because - we where just being ourselves. Here is the exercise, Agree you both want to try this and commit to it. Grab some paper and 2 pens. Sit down with your better half. Each of you now think about when you where dating, (old school courting) Now make a list of the Top 5 things that they did to make you feel great. It could have been as simple as opening doors or notes.. You need to make this list include the top 5 things. Think back and be honest. Now when you are writing keep it to yourself. Fold up that paper and pocket it. - we arent sharing it yet. (you may modify that list over the next couple of days) Now set up a Date night. a week away. thats right exactly as I said. Ask her / him out to dinner. Set a time and show up ready to go. Its your date your picking up remember! (bring your list) Dress up bring flowers the whole date thing. Now when you get to the place you are going Sit down and enjoy the evening. Each of you pull out your list, and ladies first, share the # 5 item . I really loved it when you---- Guys pay attention... Now the other person shares their number 5. DO NOT EXPLAIN WHY IT CHANGED JUST HEAR Them. It then goes back to the other person in order until each of you shares the entire list. I dont have to tell you what to do next you will get it. ENjoy Michael Leahy
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:36:44 +0000

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