How to respond when someone takes their anger out on you The only - TopicsExpress


How to respond when someone takes their anger out on you The only thing that can bring light to darkness, is light itself. Think about it; someone is angry. They are consumed by said anger, which is understandable since negative emotions cloud ones judgment, way of thinking and acting. In a moment of anger, many struggle to see anything outside of that feeling, even though there is so much lightness all around us. So when a person who is in a bout of darkness – whether it be for a minute, a day, or even longer – takes there anger out on you, it is your duty (as tough as it is) to bring them the light they so obviously need. Many of us respond to anger by being defensive, and letting others anger take over our headspace. We let their words and negativity bring us down, even in our best moments; even though we know for certain we are not the cause. I wish more than ever that we lived in a world where people could not let the small stuff get to them and who could see anger arise and let it pass, something those who meditate or practice yoga are trained to do. But life isn’t perfect and so, we – as innocent bystanders – must learn (for our own well being) how to respond when someone sends us a rude or accusatory text, email, message or the like. We must know how to put our emotions and pride aside and how to not help this angry other spiral down to feel worse than. Once you’ve put your frustration aside and have reminded yourself that you are not to blame for someone else’s own struggles, respond to them in a positive way. Let them know that you empathize with them (I’m sorry you feel that way. I definitely know that feeling and it’s not a good one.) Apologize and take ownership if need be (It seems we had a miscommunication. Could’ve been my fault and I’m sorry if that’s the case.) And offer them a solution, topped with some good ol’ lovin’ (I’ll be sure in the future to be more communicative. I love ya and don’t want to see you upset because it upsets me!) Most of all, don’t take whatever they say in the heat of the moment personally. Find strength within yourself – and be grateful – to be alive. To have breath in you. To be in a state where you have control. Control over your response. Control over your own anger. Control in your life to not let the little (or even major) storylines that pass you by, to get the best of you. That person who doesn’t hold the door open for you, that person who honks you on the road, that person who sends you an angry text because they made an assumption and are frustrated in their life so try to make you feel as low…those are the people who need you to go above and beyond, to help them see the lust of life. These are the people who you should smile at and send love to, for these are the beings who need it the most. Start sending out your love to others. It’s the only way to receive love back. Let your light shine on them. Let your light brighten up the darkness they’re so unfortunately drowning in.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 04:58:07 +0000

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