How to secure yourself on internet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are - TopicsExpress


How to secure yourself on internet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are you secure while browsing online, you might think that you are safe or you need not to be safe. But reality is different and sometimes you can’t imagine. At an instant thousands KBs of information is sent over the internet from your computer and you are not secure on internet. If you are connected to internet, most of the times you are not secure. Even a newbie can enter in your system with the help of thousands of tools available on the internet and alter all your information. You should have the knowledge of whatever thing running in your PC. Hackers can even see what you are doing, if you have webcam in you PC. They can even track all activities which you are performing in your computer. So, in this article we will discuss about most popular attacks and recommended precautions to be kept in mind while connection to the internet world. Let’s learn about some attacks. Most popular hacking tricks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today many tricks of hacking are becoming easier day by day with the help of easy to use tools available on internet. To hack something you need might not to be a programmer or have knowledge of extreme coding. 1. Key Logger ~~~~~~~~~~ It is the most easiest trick available in the world of hacking. Basically, a key logger is a software which runs on the victim’s PC and tracks activities like key typed, mouse clicks and keep their record along with the window name the events occurred. Key logger runs in the background and you can’t able to see it or close it. Key Logger even takesscreenshots of your PC and sends all logs to the hacker to his email. 2. Phishing ~~~~~~~ Phishing is the second most popular attack available. It is the act of trackingsensitive information like username, password and credit card details. Phishing is done by making fake web pages and uploaded to fake websites and this google website link is sent to the victim and as soon as victim enters his details, he is tracked along with his sensitive information. 3. Brute Force ~~~~~~~~~ Brute force is another method to get login passwords or keys. But brute force is not easy without the use of tools. And it is a time consuming task. Information is cracked by applying all possible characters of variable lengths. For example, suppose you have a password as 5432 It as length 4 and now brute force with characters 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 is applied. Brute Force process will go like 0, 1, 2, …. 00, 0000, 1112, 1113, …. 5432 and its done. 4. Dictionary Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dictionary attack is similar like Brute Force, yet it is also not easy without tools.Unlike brute force it tries some random English dictionary words on a key or password. For example, account is password and it is a dictionary word too, it will be cracked easily. 5. Webcam Access ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, it is possible to hack webcam and see what you are doing and what other things are happening in your background. And yes it is also easy with the help of some too How to get secure from most popular attacks? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, there are many other thousands of attacks also used by hackers or intruders to enter in your system and can do whatever they want. So, the question is can we secure ourselves from these attacks? Answer is not straight forward yes, there is not guarantee to get secure by all attacks. But, yes it is true that with the help of some tools and attentions or precautions you can make yourself secure not from all attacks but to a majority and most popular attacks. So what are these tools and what are these precautions? How to prevent from Phishing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To prevent phishing and secure your sensitive information from going in wrong hands, first you must need to know what exactly phishing looks like. Well, in phishing, hacker will send you a link of login page, may be of googlebag or may be of a bank account login page. And you can hardly find a difference in the design between original web page and a fake web page. But, What is the solution of this? How can we identify? Well, there are two methods of identifying a fake web login page. Method 1 : Most websites which takes sensitive information from its clients always use a SSL connection and these sites have a identity certificate which ensures the world about the owner and originality of the website. How to check the originality of a website? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Major websites like googlebag, google, twitter, youtube and other bank websites always use SSL connection and certificate to ensure that you are secure. And you can find the originality at the address bar of your browser. And you will find there a word https as a prefix which means Secure HTTP. A phishing website doesn’t have a https before their name in the address bar. For further information, you can click on an small icon with name secure near https to see the owner and certificate details. Method 2 : If some websites failed to provide a https connection or may be its certificate expires then, how to verify that it is a phishing web page or not? Well, it’s very simple but an attentive task. Hacker makes a fake web page and upload to a fake website which has a different address or url. But sometimes, these url looks like so similar to an original website’s url and you can hardly differentiate between fake one and original, because sometimes there is a only difference of a character in the url. And sometimes, you can miss type yourself and and may enter in a fake web page. For example, some fake websites of googlebag may look like - First Level Fake URLs : facbag, googlelook, googledook, google-bag, googleb00k ( zero is used instead of alphabet ‘o’, and looks similar with no difference) Alphabet lowercase, uppercase and the zero digit : o O and 0 Second Level Fake URLs: googlebag.ideas, googlebag.ideas In googlebag.ideas – ideas is a fake website and com is a sub-domain of it and further googlebag is a subdomain of com and you may think that you have entered on a original page. Tip : Your computer clock must be updated correctly, otherwise you will find a certificate error. How to prevent from brute force and dictionary attacks? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To avoid dictionary attacks and brute force attacks made on passwords, there is only one easy task to perform. Always make your password strong, yet memorable :) Easy passwords and small length password are cracked easily in few seconds. How to make memorable strong passwords? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Passwords with only alphabets cracked easily unlike passwords with a special symbols. You must always put a digit and a special symbol along with upper and lower case letters. And hence you have avoided dictionary attack automatically, as a word containing special symbol is no longer a dictionary word. For example, you want to put your password as landscape Try to modify it as, l@ndscpe (here landscape contains 2 times the alphabet a and it is modified by changing first a to @ and omitting second a). How to avoid webcam and key logger attacks? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To avoid key logger hack, always try to enter very sensitive passwords with on screen or virtual keyboard. Webcams are not secure online and can be hacked easily. You must always have an updated version of an antivirus to avoid both key logger and webcam access for hacker. -(y) Hacking Tricks
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:59:15 +0000

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