How to stop being the only one on your social media - TopicsExpress


How to stop being the only one on your social media platforms Have you ever gone to a social media profile and notice the page is quiet? Meaning, there is no interaction and the only posts you see are from the profile owner? Whenever I see that, I feel sad for the owner because it has to be lonely out there all by themselves, but as I continue to read their posts, I realize why it’s a lonely world. There are two words in the term social media; “social” and “media.” According to dictionary, the definition of social is: pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly. The definition of media is: the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, which reach or influence people widely. Oftentimes, I see the “social” is missing from the platform and it turns into nothing but media. There are three things I see missing from these social media pages when I read them which are: Buy. Buy. Buy. Have you ever purchased a car? What’s the one thing you hate about going to a car dealership? The one thing most people hate is the high pressure sales environment. The pressure to buy is high and it is a constant buy, buy, buy mentality-When are you going to buy? I’m sure you don’t like that environment, do you? Probably not. The same thought should be applied to your social media platforms and those who follow you. Many use their social media platforms as a way to post their services and products, which is fine from time to time, but for some, that is the extent of their postings. Their social media platforms are used as a way to do nothing, but sell their products and services. You don’t want to run your followers away because of the high sales pressure car dealership environment you have created for your followers. Me. Me. Me. When was the last time you attended a networking event? How many attendees did you see going from group to group handing out business cards? -This person’s sole goal is to see how many business cards can be handed out and if they do stay in the same group long enough to have some type of conversation, they monopolize the entire conversation with discussions of themselves; what they do, how they do it, who they are, and can you refer your clients to them. These are the people you run from, right? You should follow the same principle with your social media platforms. It’s not all about you. It’s about your followers. You want them to know you can help them with their problems and struggles. To do this, rather than pushing information, you need to change your strategy and pull them in. How do you do this? Post tips, share your free resources and webinars, and share articles that are related and relevant to their needs.It’s Nothing Personal. How important is customer service to you? How important is it to you that when you purchase something, it is the right fit for you and the person you are purchasing from understands your needs and “gets” you; very important right? For this to happen, the person you are buying from needs to be open to sharing things about themselves; not work related, but personal. An example of a personal piece of information is that you are going to your son or daughter’s soccer tournament and a picture of the car packed up and ready to go. One of the popular posts on my Facebook page one week was a status update I made when I was home visiting my parents in Houston. Along with the update was a picture of me putting a large scoop of crawfish in the pot. Why was this so popular? Because I was sharing a piece of my life with my followers, it allowed them to see me as Lynn the fun person enjoying family and friends; they could relate to this and see my personality. One of the quickest ways to turn your social media page from a ghost town with tumbleweeds to a community of engaging followers is to consistently incorporate these strategies. Once you begin these strategies, it is important to keep track of what posts receive the greatest engagement so you can continue to repeat the same type of posting and keep your community chatting. leaderswest/2013/06/14/how-to-stop-being-the-only-one-on-your-social-media-platforms/
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:03:33 +0000

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