How to succeed in a video interview While modern - TopicsExpress


How to succeed in a video interview While modern technology is improving every day, more and more companies are using video conferencing interviews to complete the screening process of potential candidates. Video interview is similar to a face to face and is a great way to find the right people to be invited to a face- to-face . interviewHere are some tips on how to prepare for your first interview to land the job of your dreams . These tips are based on a video interview once I committed to a company based in Australia . Wanted to be as far away from England, so I decided to apply for an internship in Australia . I won, and I have an internship and now Ive spent nine months of this beautiful country. I hope these tips will help make the job / internship you want ! interviewPrepare in advance It is very important to prepare in advance and send the relevant documentation to the person who will interview you because it does not meet your employer face face. Send something at least two days before your interviewer will have enough time to review these documents in advance. videoCheck the technical team and the sound The last thing you want is to have technical problems when interviewed so it is important to ensure that the settings for the microphone , webcam and everything is in order . Try the sound and reduce or increase the volume. You may want to call a friend to make a sound and can also help to practice acting in a role play interview . When I did, my friend noticed that I talk too fast and if I had the opportunity to work on this. Its a good idea to test the interview with someone not only to test the equipment , but for information on how you present yourself. If you, like me, talks fast when hes nervous so it is important to remember to speak slowly , because there may be a delay line . interviewDe -cluttering your space and minimize distractionsDe -cluttering your space is very important that you do not want anything to distract...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:54:56 +0000

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