How to sustain your energy and stave off fatigue. Eat protein - TopicsExpress


How to sustain your energy and stave off fatigue. Eat protein and drink water. Your diet is important for overall health year round, of course. It just needs a tweak come fall. First, concentrate on getting in a high-protein breakfast each day, like Avocado Toast with Bacon. Morning protein helps regulate your energy over the course of the day, smoothing out the hunger peaks and valleys. And stay hydrated! Cooler temps usually mean drier air, which is a drain on our water-loving bodies. Drink plenty of water—but remember that herbal teas, soups, fruits, and veggies contribute to your total water intake as well. Keep an energy journal. Because both light and temperature are changing now, your daily routine might need to shift. Lifehacker suggests tracking energy levels from breakfast through bedtime for a few days can help give you a sense of what habits are (or aren’t) working for you. Be sure to include meals, so you’ll know for sure whether that bagel and cream cheese holds you steady or leads to an afternoon crash. Get plenty of light. Natural sunlight sends signals to your brain that it’s time to perk up and helps regulate your circadian rhythms. Make it a point to get out into the light as early in the day as you can and take a break outside at least one other time in your day and soak up what you can.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:26:48 +0000

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