How we can teach creativity??!!! 1. Design Projects to Bring - TopicsExpress


How we can teach creativity??!!! 1. Design Projects to Bring Out Creativity Planning a project that integrates the arts is an obvious example of how you can bring out students’ creativity. Also think about how your students might create an original product or come up with solutions to a problem – the more authentic, the better, since an important part of the innovation process involves understanding your audience or end-user. When planning a project, dont forget to consider constraints, which is another real-world factor in creative problem-solving and design thinking. Think about time, costs, materials, and of course which content standards you need to address. Decide whether the project will ask all student teams to create the same product, or different products. And finally, will the products be specified in advance or left open for students to determine? 2. Create a Culture that Promotes Creativity and Innovation A workplace that encourages creativity has certain features, and a PBL classroom too can be a place where it’s OK to offer divergent ideas, ask new questions, and try, fail, and try again. Students should feel that it’s safe to take risks and not be penalized (like, say, being given a low grade for an early draft or prototype). They should be in the habit of giving and receiving critical feedback among peers. 3. Scaffold for Creativity and Innovation Teachers can build student competency by teaching them to use a process for innovation. Such processes typically include steps such as understanding the purpose and audience/user; generating ideas; evaluating and selecting ideas; testing and refining ideas through a cycle of feedback and revision; developing and presenting a final product or solution. For each of these steps, students can be asked to regularly employ a variety of protocols and tools to help make them more effective.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:43:02 +0000

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