How well do you really know me? Do you know my story? Do you know - TopicsExpress


How well do you really know me? Do you know my story? Do you know what I have been through to get to where I am today? Well let me tell you... February 1st 2013 I became physically unable to work due to a bad work injury that I have been hiding from almost everyone for the past 10 years of my life. Before February 1st 2013, my life consisted of working through pain daily and resting as much as I could at work just to get through my shift, I was taking pain killers just to get through certain hours of the shift too. I was always putting on that fake smile that everything was O.K. but in reality never was. I have been living with chronic pain 24 hrs a day from a very bad muscle tear that never healed properly back in 2004. I have a head ache 24 hrs a day, I have pain all over the body... pain in my back, shoulders, stomach, ribs, legs, arms, hands and wrists while typing this to you. I live in pain 24 hrs a day and I will still never give up on myself. The first part of 2013, the only time I felt the pain was tolerable was when I was doing pool physio therapy and resting in my bed while talking to you right now with my laptop on my lap. You see...I was laying on the bed 90% of my life since February 1st 2013, just so I can live a life with a bit less pain from standing or sitting which really causes a lot more because of the area where the muscle tear was. I have muscle damage, nerve damage and chronic inflammation all the time. there has been about 5 hospital visits since February 1st 2013 because of the pain, I would not be able to sleep because of it and if certain areas of my body touched the bed or pillow, it was so unalterable to where I would be moaning at 4 am in the morning from pain. I can not accept this as a reality for the rest of my life. My health and spiritual well being is way more important than money. If any of you right now think I am doing this online career thing for just the money... Give your head a shake... I stopped working a job that was paying me $65,000.00 a year with full pension and benefits. I am working online for a better lifestyle for myself and everyone who wants to share this with me too. It has nothing to do with money. Money is the tool we are using yes, but I am doing this so I can live a free life... where I no longer have to do shift work...where I can take days off when I am having bad days, where I can actually spend time with family and loved ones...because before this, I was only working and resting to get through another day... now I can manage my own life, manage my pain, manage my well-being, spiritually and physically. Because of the path I chose starting February 1st 2013, I am now able to actually have conversations with people, being able to laugh now and then and put a smile on without faking it. Yes this has been a long journey, I know it has just begun but it actually feels like I am moving in the right direction for the first time in my life. I have been able to find alternative ways where the pain every day is now becoming more and more manageable. I have stepped back, started to look within and really started to work on MYSELF (mentally, physically and spiritually) The only way I am going to move forward online is to look within... this is the only way I can move forward. I know this ONLINE CAREER thing isnt easy.... I have wanted to give up 100 times over. Imagine having brain fog, a head ache, pain all over and still trying to help others see a vision you want for yourself and THEM.... It is not easy I tell you because in my situation, it is easier to go backwards than it is to go forward. But I am at the point of no return to success. I am not on any government assistance or receiving any money from any other source but from the income from my business online. I am nothing special people, I dont have a secret recipe, I even dont think I am the best person to talk to half the time because of the state of mind I am in but I am here to tell you right now..... IF I CAN DO THIS, SO CAN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just see 80%-90% of people giving up on the first few moments of struggle and jumping from the next new shinny thing to the next. If your WHY is strong enough, you will survive but first you need to find your WHY like I did and not let anything get in the way of that. Not you or anyone online or in my life is going to get in the way of my happiness and the lifestyle I want to live for myself. I have had to much pain and suffering for anyone to get in the way of that ever again. And everyone that works with me needs to know how strong my why is. You need to know this because I will not give up on myself or on anyone else that wants to come on this journey with me. YOU SEE>>>> I AM NOT A SNOW FLAKE What I shared above isnt it.... I want to share larger visions with people and not put any limitations on what we can have because there is plenty to go around for everyone out there. This is just the beginning for me and anyone who wants to come on this journey with me and who want this with all there heart, I will stand by you. I am one of the few who can say they are actually financially independent online. It has not been easy I tell you but it is possible, very possible.... I know for a fact my mindset has over 90% to do with it because I know if I didnt have a head ache or the brain fog or the problems I am managing right now, I would be 10 times more successful than I am right now. So thank you for letting me share my story with you. If you have anything to share please comment below.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:57:39 +0000

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