How would you feel if millions of Hispanics (legal and illegal) in - TopicsExpress


How would you feel if millions of Hispanics (legal and illegal) in the US organized in to armed factions and began a nation-wide terror campaign? What if well organized Latino militias began taking control of American cities and started forcing out White and Black Americans at gunpoint, stealing everything they owned in the process? What if they were successful in pushing back the US military and took control of the entire Southwest, declaring it a Latino State, and issuing a law allowing any Latino to come live there while pushing White and Black Americans out? How would you feel? Would you not feel indignant? Would you not join a militia to go fight against them? Would you not want the destruction of their state? Thats exactly what happened to the Palestinians. Today, we demonize the Palestinians for their support of militias and guerrilla groups like Hamas, and we condemn Hamas for wanting the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state. And while Hamas vision sounds (and indeed is) awful, I understand what draws the Palestinian people toward such radicalism. Lets walk a mile in their shoes. Their land was invaded by Zionists in the early part of the 20th century. The Zionist formed the areas first paramilitary terrorist organizations. Jewish paramilitary groups like Irgun Zevai Leumi and Lohamei Herut Israel were responsible for thousands of deaths resulting from their campaigns of bombings of hotels, mass transit, and raids of Arab villages. As illegal Jewish immigrants from Europe flooded in to the area and took up arms they forced millions of Palestinians out of their lands. These illegal paramilitary groups eventually formed the backbone of the Israeli military and government.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:51:17 +0000

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