How would you like someone to specifically spend multiple hours - TopicsExpress


How would you like someone to specifically spend multiple hours over a 3 day period ,simultaneously cleansing, healing,pinpointing beliefs that are not for your highest good and living in the liver especially causing you to feel stuck in life and in old patterns. This is what I will be doing and much more when you sign up for the Cellular Liver Cleansing and Healing Package. Please read more by clicking to my flyer below. Hello, During certain times of the year, the way earth aligns, compliments specific organs’ health and wellbeing. During these specific dates you have a better chance of receiving permanent healings and optimum results. Between, the January 11th, till the February 27th, the way energy aligns will be in synch with the ‘Liver’. Science has already proven that Liver is one of the few organs that; it can regenerate itself. If you are interested in having a Liver detox than these dates can take your detox to the next level of your health. Over the years I have gained enormous amount of understanding through my interactions with the inner worlds. During one of my training sessions (from spirits) of ‘liver’ I have gained inside information to why the liver is such a target by ‘other energies’ from different dimensions. I will not go in to details of this on facebook. However what I can say in short is that clean healthy liver filters the energy of gossips, psychic attacks, pain and emotions relating to being an Empath, energy of addictions, etc… A healthy Liver has a special force field around it to protect itself against any entity or spirit attachments. If the depression and anxiety is caused by an outside energy attachment to liver, this will also show the signs and feelings of ‘you just cant shake the negativity, feeling alone and this is it feelings, feeling stuck, others have it easier, hard to stay motivated for a long period of time, not having the will power to continue to achieve goals, sleep disturbances, doubting self worth’ are just a few examples. During the dates between January 11 and the February 27th 2015, I will be facilitating 3 day Liver Cleansing and Healing sessions. Each day you will receive multiple sessions of Cleansings and Healings focused on the Liver. I will pinpoint minimum of 3 beliefs that were created in the Liver causing negativity on your health and wellbeing at all levels. I will in addition pin point minimum of 1 or more Ancestral Belief that is living in the Liver and causing negativity in your life. Often ancestral beliefs are hidden under many disguises and removing them alone brings permanent changes in many areas of life. Also ancestral beliefs indirectly create/cause further beliefs to create ‘Self Sabotages’. At the end of each day I will also be cleansing the blood in order to bring faster more permanent results with minimum to no side effects. You will also receive an explanation of your overall sessions. If there is a message from your soul or your guidance I will also add this to your report. The 3 Day Cellular Liver Cleansing and Healing package is only $250 if you book and pay by the 20th of December 2014. There after it will be $300. Ps; everything I wrote above is based on my own experiences, interactions with the Inner worlds. Because of this please make sure to use your own intuition to take on board what ever feels comfortable for you. I am not a medical professional and I do not make any diagnosis.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:41:08 +0000

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