How you can overcome the frustration of fruitlessness October 2, - TopicsExpress


How you can overcome the frustration of fruitlessness October 2, 2013 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44 Several years ago, I took my kids to Maggie Valley, North Carolina, to do some trout fishing in the mountains. The first place we went was amazing… you could put anything on your hook—bread, cheese, worms—and those fish would go right after it. We caught fish all day. On the second day, we decided to try out another location. We tried bread… nothing. Cheese… nothing. Worms… not a bite. We fished all day and never once had a fish on the line. So the next day, we decided to back to the first location. And sure enough, those fish were still biting whatever bait we used. When it comes to bringing people to Christ, God may lead you to a ministry where you’re catching fish like crazy. Or on the other hand, He might put you in a spot where you don’t see anyone come to faith for a very long time—but unlike fishing, you can’t just pack up and go somewhere else. You have to stay true to the ministry where God has called you. So whether you see large or small numbers of people come to faith when you share, remember that God has called you to a certain ministry and He’s the one who will give that ministry fruit. Your only job is to be obedient to His calling on your life. BE OBEDIENT TO THE MINISTRY WHERE GOD HAS CALLED YOU, AND TRUST IN HIM TO BRING PEOPLE TO CHRIST, WHETHER IT BE MANY OR FEW.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:50:55 +0000

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