#HowToTuesdays - Quit biting your tongue and start changing the - TopicsExpress


#HowToTuesdays - Quit biting your tongue and start changing the world. We have nearly hit April, did you realise that? No, seriously, did you actually recognise the fact that 1/4 of 2014 has happened, gone, just like that? Ever since the day that I woke up in hospital having attempted to take my own life I became conscious. For the first time in 26 years my eyes were opened and I truly became aware of the fact that life is a gift, it is a damn special and precious gift. Do you realise how incredibly special your life is and indeed how incredibly beautiful the you is who is living YOUR life is? I want to tell you something else: you are here for a purpose. Over the past week I have gone through a process of honest reflection - my message is not being shared with even half as many people as I want it too. This is not a vain attempt at self-promotion, I do not have many products for sale on my website. I dont want the eye-balls to make money I want the eye-balls to change lives. Daily I receive emails from individuals who have read my site and are contacting me because they suffer from depression, because they feel that their life is shit, that they are worthless and undervalued. My heart literally breaks for these people. Why? Because I know, first hand how tough it is to be in the situations that some of these people find themselves in. But, more than that, I know that so many people are wrapped up in lifes problems that they are not living the life that they were created to live. A life that changes the world. I will no longer allow myself to bite my tongue I love the words that I have chosen as the title for this post from Emeli Sandes song, Read All About it Part II, Youve got the words to change a nation but youre biting on your tongue. I will never forget being at a conference in the UK a couple of years ago when one individual approached me and introduced himself as someone who was aware and lived his life on the basis of intuition now at the age of 22 years old I had no idea what this guy was talking about, he was clearly way ahead of me in the realms of conscious living. Nevertheless this guy spoke two powerful sentences to me, I see you spending your life with broken people around you, people who you will help to bring healing to and the second sentence, the future of the nation is in your hands. Now these two sentences were incredibly powerful to me. Why? Because I had always spend time with the underdog - I hung out with the homeless in my city giving food, blankets and mostly just chatting, I took people to visit the slums of Kenya to help improve situations in any way that we could and the more vulnerable I became about my life then the more that broken people opened up to me. The second sentence was a big sentence and it resonated with me deeply. This is not a case of ego but of purpose and potential. Even as a child I wanted to be able to empower communities into change, change that would change the world. I always understood this sentence not directed towards me as being some Christ-like character (God forbid!) but as an individual who empowered people to bring healing to their own lives then, as an overflow, they would change the world. We scoff and laugh at people who say that they want to change the world, the reality is that the world needs changing, we need to grow, move forward and advance. The only people who can change the world are the people who are alive on planet earth today. The only person who can change the world is YOU. My life changing 2014: I am raising the stakes. I am absolutely passionate about the vision that I have - a vision to bring healing and restoration, to change lives so that in turn these individuals can change communities and so I am setting my vision in stone right here in this blog post. My goals my the end of 2014 are to: Have my book published, a book that I have provisionally entitled Suicide to Success To bring together a network of people who are passionate about helping people to change their life. I have started this process via a Facebook group called I work in personal development - over 1,400 people have joined. I want to start the process of empowering those in personal development to take responsibility for the change that needs to take place in the lives of their community and as a result grow to become an authority that brings about change. Ultimately I want to develop a global network of community change agents who are transforming lives in their community, who are supporting one another in the process and as a result are changing the world. Over the next few weeks I am going to make my vision extremely clear as I walk boldly into it with every ounce of energy, focus and intention that I have. No longer am I biting my tongue. So now, what about you? Are you going to remain in a place of apathy, living on a treadmill and getting caught up in the crap that the world throws at you or are you no longer going to bite your tongue. I am stepping up. Its time for you to step up too!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:29:02 +0000

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