Howdy Cakefans! Well this week was an important one here at - TopicsExpress


Howdy Cakefans! Well this week was an important one here at Fiendish&Goode, as on Wednesday we had to deliver the pick of our products for this year’s Great Taste Awards. We’ve already got a Great Taste Gold Award for our Peanut Butter Melting Morsels, and so decided we’d pick a few more of our favourites for this year’s competition. Last time we entered, the judging was at Kensington Olympia in West London, however this year the London rounds were heavily booked, and so we had the fun task of driving down to Gillingham in Dorset at 5 O’clock on Wednesday morning, in order to delivery our entries. So as to make a day of it, and because Mistress Goode has never been, we’d decided to go up and visit Bath by way of returning. It’s been a few years since I last went to Bath and the vibe has changed somewhat in the meantime - it now seems less ‘white-people-with-dreadlocks’, and much more ‘light-lunch-centre-of-the-universe’. I’ve never seen so many sandwich/coffee shops and general eateries, its entire annual income must be made between the hours of 12 and 2 O’clock - and it being about that time (and thanks to a deft use of Tripadvisor) we stopped off for a delicious lunch at a Tilleys Bistro, we’d found it next to the world famous Sally Lunns Bakery (inventors of the original Bath Bun) and so obviously had to grab some of those to take back with us to London. We then mooched around the sites for a bit before heading back to the car for the return trip, via one last stop at the ridiculously picturesque village of Castle Combe. So quite an enjoyable day in the end (if a tad knackering) - and fingers crossed till September when we hear how we faired in the competition. Also this week (due to being forever well behind the curve) and because everyone keeps banging on about it - I’d decided to give Game of Thrones a go .. Now whilst being a big fan of Science Fiction, I’ve never really been one for the Sword and Sorcery genre. It generally always seems to be about big muscly blokes with axes, long hair and a pet raven - and whilst there is admittedly a fair amount of this in Game of Thrones - there’s also a truly staggering amount of tits! .. I mean really gratuitous breastage of eye poppingly epic proportions. So much so that I feel the box-set should be far more interactive, and come with an old fashioned bike horn that you can honk every time another unveiled pair go plot-stallingly bouncing across the screen ... A friend of Mistress Goode sent her a text the other day that read ‘Just tried to watch Game of Thrones on Ipad on underground - can’t - too many tits!’ ... It looks like it was made by cutting and pasting the post pubescent dreams of a 15 year old boy! .. I mean generally I’m a big fan of fulsome female frontage, but a small part of me can’t help feeling a tiny bit insulted that someone, somewhere feels that I won’t be able to concentrate on something that turns out to be not half bad (if a little silly), without repeated injections of ‘fun-bags’ at regular intervals so as to make completely sure I’m paying attention ... Still .. Erm .. Thanks though ... So that’s the week ... Today looks set to be nice and summery, so why not come find us down at Broadway Market Hackney or Partridges Market Chelsea, and indulge all five senses ... As always the first down with the COVERT CAKE CODE wins a FREE BOX of our delectable Dainties – which this week shall be ... ‘JIGGELY GLADBAGS!’ Embrace the joy Cakefans! Master Fiendish
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 06:19:11 +0000

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