Howdy Folks, This is going to be an extremely quick update for - TopicsExpress


Howdy Folks, This is going to be an extremely quick update for you as we have been working feverishly to set this live for you today... The Next Generation 3.0 Stage-making software dubbed Kaizen is now Live in Beta! We have released the next version of Staged Kaizen as a Beta trial for you to play with. Use it, test it, create Stages with it and most of all have fun with it! You can post these Stages to your Social Media manually (for now) and you can also track your views. However we cannot track clicks just yet and the views will not feature on the graphs on your Dashboard. You can get access to it by logging into your Staged Members Area and clicking on Stages at the top. You will be presented with an access link there. Please remember this is a Beta Launch and although we have spent countless hours testing, bugs can still rear their ugly heads. Please report any issues you come across in a Support Ticket to us so that we can move to full launch as quickly as possible. Please also understand that the Stageit Button and StageBot HAVE NOT been hooked up to the Kaizen 3.0 Stages just yet. They will be connected in the near future depending on the number of bugs that require attention first. Peace and progress, Haydn Stevenson President/ Co-owner Staged Media Inc PS: For those Free members still sitting on the fence there couldnt be a better time to get involved! Login to your back office and click the red Upgrade Now button in the upper left hand corner to get in on the fun! PPS: In addition to making and posting Stages we highly recommend that you... add friends or followers to all your Social Media networks daily - even 5 new friends added to each daily will increase your exposure and encourage viral distribution of your Stages, increase your leads and ultimately boost your earnings.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:40:54 +0000

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