Howdy all! I again wanted to thank everyone for the kind words, - TopicsExpress


Howdy all! I again wanted to thank everyone for the kind words, words of encouragement and prayers! It is real nice to know that so many of you care. As most of you have followed along my little journey, I will just fill you in on what has been happening. Starting on July 5th, I had a mild heart attach while working and shrugged it off as chest pain associated with the nasty cold I got that weekend. That cold was actually bronchitis and while getting that diagnoses I submitted to an EKG and blood draws based upon explainations of pain to my doctor. She then got the lab results that put me in the hospital for 24 hour observations. Those tests did not prove anything significant at the time. Over this last weekend, my heart problems persisted and actually continued to worsen causing more pain then I would ever know. I woke yesterday with the pain and could not get my blood pressure to lower and I broke out in considerable sweats even though the temp in the house was only 70 degrees. I knew at that time that, something was wrong and called 911. The EMTs ran an EKG and it showed an STLMI or major heart attach at that time. They wasted no time in transporting me to St Es and with in a few minutes, I was in the Cath Lab where they knocked my out and put in a stent opening the artery 100% and restoring blood to the rest of my heart. The artery was actually only blocked by plaque at 50% however, because my BP was so high and has been for a long time, the walls were breaking down forming a blood clot along side the blockage. This is called Thrombosis. They were able to clear the clot and Stent the artery and open the flow persey! I am now home and will be for the next couple weeks as The doctor does not want me to work. He wants me to rest and allow my heart to get used to the everything working properly. Fortunately, there was no damage to the heart as I caught it early enough. With the medications I am now on, I should be able to be back to work very soon. I have to admit, even though I am a little tired, I have not actually felt this good in a long time! Again, I want to thank everybody for your comments of support and hope to see you all again real soon! Ed
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:21:02 +0000

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