Howdy to my fellow Latter-day Saints! President David O. McKay - TopicsExpress


Howdy to my fellow Latter-day Saints! President David O. McKay prophetically taught us that every member should be a missionary. And we may sometimes forget that we, not our local full-time missionaries, have primary responsibility to find people to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder David A. Bednar recently urged us all (through an Education Week address that Ive linked below) to start to persistently increasingly sweep the Earth as with a flood with messages of both truth and righteousness. Ive been striving to do this for about three-and-a-half years now, and I figured that perhaps Id share my own experience with others on Facebook today, for whatever it may be worth, just in case my example might inspire others and/or spark good ideas. Since 2011 began, to the extent that Ive remained well enough to do so, Ive been striving to daily preach both truth and righteousness via Facebook (and, since July, via Google+) about my three passions of religion and family and politics, all from a gospel perspective. So, I daily preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, promote strong families, and proclaim rightful liberty on my Facebook wall to a growing audience of over 1250 associates, on the walls of various close friends, and (if I feel up to it) in my news feed and/or in various discussion groups. On my own wall, I do this mostly by sharing some of the best images and/or articles that I encounter during my day, always accompanied by relevant quotations and/or personal commentary---and afterward participating in any discussions that may result. I seem to spend most of my time focused on preaching about politics, since thats what seemingly interests my closest associates most, but Ive been trying to share something daily (and especially on Sundays) thats more purely religious in nature. I also try to post special content for various holidays that interest me, especially both Christmastime and Independence Day, although not necessarily as most people celebrate these holidays---for example, for Earth Day, I preached about Gods Creation, Christian stewardship, and free-market environmentalism. And Ive been inviting people to various Facebook events, as well, such as watching General Conference or fasting-and-praying to God for various good causes or engaging to dating and/or marital activities or attending educational political events or participating in local precinct caucuses or whatnot. And, sometimes, I approach my non-LDS associates through Facebook chat to see if I can engage them in some sort of helpful religious discussion. I try to approach others with an attitude of not bashing with them but, rather, humbly striving to unite around both truth and righteousness, whatever it may be---and Ive discovered that, when I treat others with respect, they generally respond likewise. In fact, I generally strive to follow the Golden Rule, as recorded in Matthew 7:12, to treat others as Id want to be treated if our circumstances were reversed, as Jesus Christ the Savior both taught and exemplified. So far, I seem to be preaching to the Choir more than Ive been proselytizing anyone, but I keep hoping for the latter, although I havent been praying about it nearly as much as I should have. Ive rarely tried to start my posting with prayer, but Ive usually forgotten to do this, sadly. Id love to cite a specific experience in which my preaching helped someone in a dramatic manner, but I havent had any notable ones, except for an occasional simple message of gratitude. Perhaps someday! So, I hope that perhaps others may benefit from this information. Sadly, as my condition continues to degenerate, I might not be able to keep posting anything for much longer, but Ill keep striving to do as best as I can for as long as I can. So, what missionary experiences have you had, and what have found most helpful in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness? #CalledToShare #ShareGoodness
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:14:03 +0000

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