However conditioned we may be to look to the media for our - TopicsExpress


However conditioned we may be to look to the media for our impressions of what’s going on in the world, and however dependent we have become on computers and smartphones to give us the latest headline or viral video, we should always remember: There is something else going on. It’s not usually grabbing our attention like an acrobatic sign-spinner on a street corner luring drivers into a car wash. It’s something felt more than seen. It’s divine Love. Divine Love is breaking down walls, harmonizing discussions, unifying families, healing hurts, and blessing nations. Like the sun shining on a frozen pond, Divine Love warms the heart. It dissolves impasses, restores justice, forgives and forgets. Some may have little faith in it or even doubt that it’s there. Sometimes there are attempts of evil to mock divine Love – troubles that loom so large they appear to dwarf any possibility of Love’s presence. But when we come to understand this Love not as a mere personal sentiment but as the ever-operative law of divine Principle, or God, we’ll recognize it more readily. Love never changes, grows weary, or depletes itself. As the laws of mathematics are unerring and beautiful in their infinite nature, so the operation of divine Love, God, unerringly governs His own creation, man and the universe. Christ Jesus was so confident of divine Love’s control – his eyes were so open, one might say to the ever-present influence of Love – that he prayed on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 04:01:35 +0000

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