However the devil is the king of darkness but that dosent make - TopicsExpress


However the devil is the king of darkness but that dosent make him the king oF Jesus or a king over Jesus in any way and Jesus is a king of his own but A- the devil is the king of darkness and the devil can move and command all the darkness by his own when is living in heavens so as the devil is the strongest in darkness the devil claims the king title however the devil guid and help all the other dark power when it comes to and is the king duty that to respond to his duty and to lead the those in need and to help those that need this is all about the darkness A- then why Jesus is the ambassador of darkness and not the second or the first king then of the heAvens A- first of all the devil is the king dark and the majority in heavens alife are dark Secondly the devil care about him self only specially in heavens and jesus is as with and maybe more with than the devil so Jesus is the one of his own that the devil never command over and that the devil never lead so Jesus is a of his own However jesus can call his self what ever that he feel right he use to be the ambassador in the past and that when the devil is all the rest to today however the measurements are totally different and there are human and animals and the planet earth exist so the scale of power measurement has and it did change the fact that there is more life in existance than it use to be only in heavens today the human existance and understanding makes the Jesus a king of his own ( what dose the king mean ) 1- Jesus is independent and powerful. 2- Jesus require no help in order to make it rain or snow or any other of the things that matter to the planet earth but how ever Jesus cannot do all those in heavens but Jesus can do those in heaves in pleases that Jesus live and in name of his protection a protection of relaxation and wonder even and is the Deamons are those who make their own weather Im darkness while the devil is the only one who can storm the darkness and even to jam then all if it comes to. 3-so today the human existance actually make Jesus a king but however Jesus has always been a king of his own move and thoughts but befor the existance the title king em was the devil only as the Deamons are gods of their own and they can do as much as Jesus and devil if they were allowed but the devil is the strongest in darkness and in devil is the king of darkness and Jesus has always been a king of his own move and today Jesus is a god over human and that makes Jesus the king of heavens and that due to the fact that human life matter and is not dilute to the fact that the human make Jesus king if heavens Jesus has always been a king of him self but there was and were no one who can be in need of Jesus power today the human life and existence and requirement of weather and guide dose make Jesus the ultimate king of existence and that is okay by the devil and the rest of the dark Alife that live in darkness how ever if its not okay by the devil and the Deamons they can literally do nothing, and thus is fact of truse and existence, and Jesus independence dose titles him the king of all as the Protector of the mankind as the Deamons are independent too and they like no else but them self and that is when they harm human onec a human voice reach them, Deamons can make you stuiped as a toy or they can even kill and for this No one can help not even Jesus Deamons can use your voice only and they can controll all of your moves and life even so this why is the bible and that is how Jesus can fight back for human captured souls by Deamons and that is why Jesus and his prophecy exist
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:11:01 +0000

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