Hows 2015 working for you so far?! I hope the answer is GREAT! If - TopicsExpress


Hows 2015 working for you so far?! I hope the answer is GREAT! If not, heres hoping it will get better! Although it has been relatively quiet in town business, I still have kept busy doing the work I promised you I would do during my campaign. Action is always better than words! Below and attached is a letter I sent to Sharons Board of Health Committee on December 12, 2014. It is self explanatory but in summary it is my attempt to assist our senior citizens and others in need to receive refuse collection free of charge if they meet the financial criteria which I proposed should be adjusted to a more reasonable number. The Board of Health Committee has had two meetings since receiving my letter and has discussed it on both occasions with a very favorable response to the proposal. They are in the process of researching the financial impact on their budget to determine a workable adjusted gross income figure for eligibility. Presently the annual cost for trash pickup is about $216.00. It may not seem like a lotta moolah to some but for a citizen truly struggling it means being able to buy some more groceries, medicine, heating fuel and so on! Every little bit helps! I also made an appearance before the Capital Outlay Committee a couple of weeks back to support the funding of a feasibility study, (Thanks to BOS & DPW for requesting the funding), for our town hall to make it compliant with the American Disabilities Act. The town hall was built in 1965. At that time there was little to no interest in making public buildings accessible for disabled citizens, sad but true! Our Sharon Town Hall is not ADA compliant and is only accessible to the first floor currently by means of a ramp on the side of the building with an entrance door that can only be opened by contacting some one inside the building and waiting for them to open the door. Access to the second floor, where all selectmens meetings take place as well as other meetings, was possible at one time via a wheelchair lift. The lift was difficult to operate and very inconvenient. The lift has not worked for many years. Action must be taken, this is disgraceful! Since 1965, near 50 years, a Sharon disabled citizen has never had a fully accessible and ADA compliant town hall! They have not been able to attend selectmens meetings for all that time in their own town hall! AM I KIDDING YOU? NO! If the feasibility study is funded through Capital Outlay it is likely the study will find it will take a substantial amount of money to make the Town Hall ADA compliant, but well have to cross that bridge when we come to it. In the mean time, as I stated at the meeting, I believe we should no longer hold any public meetings in the town hall or any other building that is not ADA compliant! We have the Community Center Senior meeting room and at least two Public School meeting rooms which are ADA compliant. Our disabled citizens should be treated with the respect they deserve and are entitled to! I hope you will support both of these issues. Its just, simply, the right thing to do! Ill keep you informed on the progress! Thank you!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:20:22 +0000

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