Hows about -- just a suggestion, perfectly utopian, admittedly, in - TopicsExpress


Hows about -- just a suggestion, perfectly utopian, admittedly, in its swiftian far-fetchedness -- those many tens of millions of Americans for whom multiple automatic-gun-ownership constitutes far and away the greatest of their personal freedoms under the Constitution, trumping virtually every other existential matter in their minds, just get together and form a new, separate and semi-independent country within the US, called the United States of Gunlandia (for instance), in which there will be lots of shooting around and up in the air and at the stupid starlings in tree branches, lots of good-natured jostling and yodeling and yahooing and towel-snapping, lots of killing of forest animals, lots of football-watching and arm-wrestling and bud light-drinking, demolition-derbying, alligator-wrestling and square dancing to Ted Nugents Cat Scratch Fever, and other such fun activities for brawny, wholesome, God-fearing, patriotic, depressed, angrily happy, angry and cheerful, hard-working and angry and easy-going and angry ordinary folks There will be plenty of oil and natural gas and coal and all manner of plants and factories and military installations and other industries in that country, and no socialist Obamacare or such follies as minimum wage or climate-change bs and related EPA-regulations, and maybe even no taxes or social security or medicare -- so on balance, it will be a perfectly prosperous country. And the other, smaller part of America, populated predominantly by sad-looking lily-livered, four-eyed, pointy-headed, commie brainiac gunless wonders, could, respectively, come to be known as the United States of Wussdom -- and boy, what a pitiful, testosterone-poor place it would be. Which of those two Americas, USG or USW, would you rather live in? That choice, while saying much about you, might not in the end be yours entirely to make, for we are not always (and in fact, hardly ever) fully responsible for the inner contents of our heart-and-mind continuum.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:37:12 +0000

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