Hows this read? I told them theres a problem with the progress - TopicsExpress


Hows this read? I told them theres a problem with the progress report form because it wouldnt let me change the name of the work, and now they want me to fill out a change of topic form and re-apply. I cant believe Im getting hit with this man. Like out of nowhere. _________________________ Hi Linda. Thank you for the form, but its not going to be any good to me. I havent changed my topic at all. The title has been refined to be indicative of the work in the thesis, but the thesis topic hasn’t changed at all, nor have any of the elements of the work: the logic proofs nor has the body of research been altered in any way from last year. What has changed is the title. The title has changed from ‘The Ghost In the Machine and the Skeleton Key of Consciousness’ which previously reflected the conceptual metaphoric elements of Gilbert Ryle’s philosophy. The ‘Ghost in the Machine’ has a deep, specific conceptual meaning in analytic philosophy. The title of the work now is ‘Ordinary Language arguments and the Philosophy of Mind’. This title reflects the analytic tradition carried on from Ryle, in Wilfrid Sellers classic work ‘Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind’ which was written about Ryle’s conceptual “Ghost in the Machine”. So you see the topic has not changed, but the title has been refined in order to bring the scope of the work in closer proximity to the philosophical traditions it draws upon. Gilbert Ryle wrote about the language of consciousness and the ‘ghost in the machine’ and Wilfrid Sellars wrote about Gilbert Ryle writing about the ‘ghost in the machine’ and the language of consciousness. If you were to instantiate an identity statement between this thesis and the same thesis last year on the basis of the topical content you would find the predication of the work to be identical. Merely the logical constant we use to reference the work has changed, in the same way we see in Frege’s example of the Morning star, and the Evening star. The change of title would be analogous to calling the Morning star the Evening star, or more precisely, instantiating a new letter in an argument for a existential quantifier. i.e. (Ex)(Ey) (Tx . x=-y) THF Ta. The form won’t let me do that. Best regards -T.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:20:54 +0000

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