How’s it going dudes and dudettes alike? Welcome back to that - TopicsExpress


How’s it going dudes and dudettes alike? Welcome back to that little corner of madness that is to be used to lighten up your Monday, cause we all know Monday sucks. From the darkest corner of the Phantom Zone, this is Monday Madness! Lets get started, shall we? Now, last week, I let the world know my thoughts on Batgirls New 52 run and why I liked it. Now, I want to talk about how another Batman title has gone to utter hell. Red Hood and the Outlaws. Im a massive fan of Jason Todd. Ever since I seen Under The Red Hood, Ive been fascinated by the character and wanted to find out as much about the character as I could. So, naturally, his team up with Roy Harper and Starfire was a must read for me. For a long time, Ive stuck through. Some stuff has been good, some stuff bad but Ive found something to enjoy in the book. Now, that enjoyment is slowly fading. I cant put my finger on it exactly but its getting harder and harder for me to willingly read the book. The story is running on far too long and affected by storylines in the main Batman book by Scott Snyder and even the Batman & five stages of grief storyline in the wake of Damiens death. While it isnt too late to save the book, I fell like the damage had been done and thats a shame. Switching gears to something more joyful. The story of Miles Scott in San Francisco this weekend has done a lot to restore peoples faith in humanity. The idea of seeing so many people coming out to help grant Miles wish of spending time with his favourite hero and saving a Gotham-ized San Francisco is one that has made everyone smile. Im sure I speak for everyone here on the page when I say we wish Miles all the best in his battle against cancer. Onto the numerous Nightwing rumours that have dominated the landscape over the past few weeks. Personally, as Ive said time and again, Milo Ventimiglia is my choice for Nightwing. Has been since I seen him in Heroes and he just strikes me as being able to pull it off. Nothing against anyone who has been linked to the role but there is going to need to be some convincing on their part here. Im not saying they can’t do it but they just arent my choices. One last thing, not comic related but who doesnt love her, Jennifer Lawrence is back on the silver screen this week with Catching Fire, the second installment in the Hunger Games series. Our (OK my) favourite blue skinned mutant shapeshifter might not be back on our screens till next year but JenLaws success in this movie could mean big things for Days of Future Past next summer. Short article this week. Thats madness enough so fits in well with the premise of this little section. Until next week true believers! (Ciaran)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:04:23 +0000

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