Hua Hu Jing Chapter 7 The prince inquired of the Master (Lao - TopicsExpress


Hua Hu Jing Chapter 7 The prince inquired of the Master (Lao Tzu): Venerable Teacher, will there be people in the future who will have the opportunity to learn and follow the Universal Integral Way of Life by studying these bamboo scrolls on which your great teachings are recorded? The Master told him, Kind Prince, please do not wonder about this. After I depart, even many, many, generations later, if there are still people who seek the Integral Way, they will receive this precious guidence. Those who seek and attain the Way must have planted their roots and virtue in one or two or even five lifetimes. Actually, they have already evolved to a very high level. Thus, when they learn the truth contained in these teachings, their hearts may immediately reconnect with the Integral nature of the Multi-Universe. Then the omniscient, omnipresent Integral One, which is the treasure of Devine Power of the multi-universe, will shine upon them abd absorb them into its radiance. They will become submerged in the boundless ocean of blessings and impersonal love of the Universal One. Why is this so? Those people will have dissolved their rigid concepts of self and others, male and female, longevity and brevity, life and death. Also, they will not have any mental obstructions formed by different cultural backgrounds, customs, ore religious beliefs which would prevent the perception of the subtle truth of universal Integration. To hold the mind within any rigid framework is to immediately become trapped in the bondage of Duality. If one does not discriminate between what is labeled as sacred and profane, one is liberated from the bondage of all concepts. Thus one should not embrace any religious concept or mental structure that is formed while living in the physical world. All mental structures must be finally relinquished if one is to reach the ultimate and subtle truth of Oneness.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:20:28 +0000

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