Hudson is doing amazingly. I do feel it is time for an update. As - TopicsExpress


Hudson is doing amazingly. I do feel it is time for an update. As you all remember, he is on 0.5 liters of oxygen, hydrocortisone, and Prilosec for acid reflux. We have appointments every week with specialists, home health, infant to 3 (the development intervention people), and with his pediatrician. ***He is 6 months old, but should only be 2 months old. All evaluations are based on his adjusted age, meaning 2 months. He should catch up to his birth age by 2 years old. These are the updates from the doctors we have seen, thus far: - His pediatrician has been very pleased. No concerns. We have another appointment scheduled in 2 weeks for his first Synagis ( the RSV vaccine). - His GI Specialist at Childrens Mercy was extremely pleased, and said that he feels he is great. He feels his feeds should be increased, and he has ordered to have his Prilosec lowered by half this week & stopped next week. He feels there is no reason, unless there is a new issue, for him to see Hudson anymore. He feels Hudson is healthy on his end, & no longer in need of his specialty. - We had a follow-up with the surgeon who performed his hernia surgery, and he feels he is perfect. He feels Hudson is no longer in need of his specialty. - Home Health signed off on him last Thursday, stating he is great! They have signed off saying he no longer needs their services. - Infant to 3 Development came and did their initial evaluation, and feel he is ahead for his adjusted 2 month age. He is a healthy, thriving baby in their eyes! (They were also blown away by how advanced Justice, our 2 year old is) :) We have our NICU Follow-up Clinic this week. And 3 more specialists this month. I pray they all go the same way! I have always been brutally honest, when it comes to how all of this feels. Im not going to change that now. I am by no means complaining, however, it is rough outside of the NICU for moms like me. We havent done anything wrong to be in this situation, and we tend to know more about our babies than a lot of the nurses provided. No, we dont have a nursing degree, but we have been there with our babies since day 1. I know every single procedure, medication, issue, and personality trait of my son. I have it memorized and written down. It gets very frustrating when nurses, who have no experience with a 23 weeker, treat me like Im dumb, or blow me off when I need to speak with the doctor. Some have even treated me as if I were a drug mom or something. I had heard & even posted about this once, but had never experienced it myself. Some of the doctors cant agree on certain cares. Some believe he doesnt need something, and others do. It is very frustrating. Oh well, at the end of the day, I am mommy, and I make the final decision. They are all just doing their best. Hudson is rare, & there is no book to guide them. We are used to hearing a doctor say, In most cases I see..... But they cant. There are so few, & each one is incredibly different. Im just grateful Hudson is on the well end of the group. He is rare in that he is doing so well. Praise Him, & pray for my patience when I get treated like Im dumb. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. -Romans 12:12
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:33:20 +0000

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