Hudson is rare due to being a 23 weeker, but unfortunately premies - TopicsExpress


Hudson is rare due to being a 23 weeker, but unfortunately premies & now micro-premies are not. Sadly, until being tossed into this world of tiny babies, I was very uneducated on this subject. I had carried 2 full term babies who basically came out walking and talking. Lol Just kidding, but they were big & didnt stay little long. So, understandably, I didnt know much about premies, micro-premies, or the NICU. Tonight, a mother of a fellow micro-premie posted that she had been treated like she had done something wrong to cause her early delivery. From what I gathered, it was implied that premies are caused by something the mother does wrong. For example, drinking, smoking, drug use, lack of prenatal care....ect. I have met MANY micro-premie mothers who did none of these things. Each of them have had a different reason for their early deliveries. Many of the Team Hudson members, may be unaware of how many reasons there are for early deliveries or for still births. Id like to know what reasons each of the other mothers have had. Please like this status if you know someone who gave birth to a premie or a baby who had already gotten their wings. And please Comment with the reason for your premie or angel birth, if you are a mother of either of these. Lets show support for the mothers who are being treated as if they did something wrong. Sometimes, its just Gods plan. I will start: Twins run a high risk for complications to begin with. Mine was ruptured membranes in Hunter causing early labor for both Hudson & Hunter.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:41:36 +0000

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